5. yn

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I woke up late and started panicking because I was gonna be late, I woke up Theodore on accident.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning beautiful" I blushed and rolled my eyes to hide it. But then I remembered that we had to get ready. "Theo we're gonna be late!" He got up immediately. I slept in my very short dress so I tried pulling I down a little since it rode up while I was asleep.

Theo tossed me his hoodie. "Thanks" I muttered and ran back to my dorm to get dressed. I put on my uniform and did my hair/makeup.

As I walked out of the bathroom I realized Allison and lorenzo were asleep, I threw a pillow at their heads "Get up we're gonna be late!" They groaned "Noooo". I just walked down for breakfast without them.

I was a little late but that's okay. Theodore had already gotten there and was sitting with his friends... and Pansy. I rolled my eyes and sat across from theodore.

I started eating while Dumbledore was talking, I wasnt really listening. I looked up and saw pansy leaning against Theo and giggling. "My dorms gonna be empty tonight if you wanna come over" She stared dreamily at him.

I gave her a death stare and Theo looked at me for help. "Actually me and Theodore are "studying" together, hes busy." I bitch-smiled at her. She let go of Theo and glared at me.

Allison sat down next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder, "I dont feel good, Yn." I turned to look at her pale face. "What are your symptoms?" She thought for a moment before answering. "Fatigue, nausea, vomiting. No fever though." My eyes widened. "Uhh I'm gonna pick up a test for you. Don't go to class today."

I called in sick for me and Allison. I snuck into some of the other girls' dorms since they were all in class. I looked through their drawers and bags. On my 4th dorm search I found one and snuck out. I was tip toeing through the halls and made it back to my own dorm.

I handed it to her, "Go take it." She hurried into the bathroom and after she was done we set a 2 minute timer. We both sat there anxiously waiting. "I can't be... I mean- I'm on the pill!" She was shaking so hard, to be honest I was too. The timer went off, making us both jump. She covered her eyes "I can't look" I leaned over and looked at the test. Only 1 line, I let out a huge sigh of relief. "You're not pregnant Allison." she started laughing and shaking her head. "You're probably just getting sick." She nodded "Yeah you're right. You should go I don't want you getting sick too."

"Okay, thanks." I wanted to stay with her, but I refused to get sick. So I knocked on Theodore and Lorenzo's dorm, since lorenzo is probably sick too. A sick looking Enzo opened the door. I shook my head "Allison is sick too." He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "Is she okay?" I shrugged "I mean, she's sick, I don't know if that counts as 'okay'." he nodded at my statement.

Theo walked up behind me "Hey." I jumped so bad, I was still so anxious from Allison taking the test. I put my hand on my chest and laughed a little "Theo.. you scared me!" He chuckled "Is everything okay?" I shook my head a little "Allison is sick and Lorenzo is too. Allison won't let me stay with her because she doesn't want me to get sick" he thought for a moment "Maybe Lorenzo and Allison could stay together, I mean they're both sick anyway, and you could stay with me." I nodded "Yeah that's sounds smart" Lorenzo looked at us and smiled "well, I won't turn down an opportunity to sleep with Allison" he said as he winked. Me and theodore both just stared at him. "Welp, byyyyyyye" Enzo said as he walked towards me and Allison's dorm. I realized I don't have any clothes here "I left all my stuff in my dorm, I should go back and get it." I turned to walk back but Theodore grabbed my wrist and shook his head "No it's fine, you can use mine, I dont want you to get sick" I smiled at his concern and nodded.

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnWhere stories live. Discover now