22. Yn

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I pushed Anastasia in the stroller as me and Theo laughed about random stuff. I tied some lightweight toys to the cover of the stroller for her to play with. She was having so much fun all cute in her blanket and hood with her toys.

 She was having so much fun all cute in her blanket and hood with her toys

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(^that's what Anastasia was dressed in)

"Yeah I wasn't the smartest seven year old..." Theo explained with laugh after he told me about the time he tried to tailslide on his skateboard on the rims of his Dad's truck. "Jeez! How mad was your dad?" I asked after a few soft laughs.

"He hit me so hard I had to lie to my teachers about the marks." Theo said with a bittersweet reminiscent smile. "That seems a little extreme for a seven year old." I commented and stared at him, he just shrugged.

"Dad was always a little hard on us. But hey, he was kinda good to us most of the time so it doesn't really matter." Theo forced a smile on his face. I bit my lip, not knowing what to say. I didn't know what a good example for a father was, so maybe all fathers were like Theo's.

I vaguely remember how kind my father was before he started drinking, and he didn't sound anything like Theo's father. "Why are you quiet all of the sudden?" Theo wondered and brushed a few hairs behind my ear.

"Your father doesn't seem as nice as you make him out to be." I told him hesitantly. He stared at the ground. "He's a good man." Theodore stated, though it seemed like he was also trying to convince himself. I didn't want to start an argument, so I kept my mouth shut.

After a moment of silence, Theo spoke, "You don't have to do that," I looked at him, confused. "You know, keep your mouth shut just because you're afraid of conflict."

"Oh." I whispered. "Will I be able to meet your family soon?" I wondered. Theo shrugged, "Yeah, we'll probably have to plan that soon. My mom is nice, her and I aren't the closest but she's a nice woman, I'm sure she'd love you. Oh and Elanora, my sister, she's great, I can't wait for you to meet her." Theo spoke with a smile on his face. I smiled with him, he had a very handsome side profile. "And your Dad? Do you think he'd like me?"

Theo inhaled sharply, "I'm sure he would, but he's kind of old fashioned in a way. He has high standards for how he thinks a woman should act, and he doesnt know when to shut his mouth."
I nodded, slightly nervous for something that's not even planned yet.

I stared at Anastasia, her eyes were getting heavy and I could tell she was about to fall asleep. "It's gonna be heartbreaking to give her back." I commented, admiring Ana's cute chubby cheeks as she stared at Theo just before falling asleep.

"I know, man." Theo agreed and shook his head. "How many kids do you want?" I asked. He thought for a moment, "3 or 4." He answered, "What about you?"
I shrugged, "I think 4 is a good number, plus, if we ever go on an airplane, we can all be in a row." I explained. Theo chuckled, "I've never thought about it that way."

"You don't have to say it, I already know I'm a genius." I joked and finished with a wink. Theo grinned and shook his head, "Wow, I'm so lucky to be in your presence." He said sarcastically and bumped into me on purpose. I giggled, "Yeah you should be grateful."
"So grateful."

I Love Her. / Theodore Nott X YnWhere stories live. Discover now