Chapter 66 - Power & Innocence

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~ final part of quadruple update ~

A handful of drinks and a few hours later, Jolie found herself in a more secluded area of the beach, the ebbing tide offering her sanctuary in a small, newly revealed cove.

Though she was not alone here.

Cassius' back was pressed against one of the many jagged looking rocks that acted as a wall, hiding them from the rest of the beach's patrons.

Jolie was straddling his lap, her knees digging into the damp sand as their mouths uninhibitedly explored the other's.

His strong fingers dug into the softness of her hips, squeezing and grabbing at the fullness there and rumpling the fabric of her gauzy dress as she rocked against him, feeling the stiffness of his arousal through the coverage of their swimming costumes.

Even beneath the blur of alcohol that smoothed over her usual composition, Jolie could feel the rapid beating of her heart, the excited flutter of her pulse against her skin.

This was the furthest they had ever gone with one another.

Compared to their usual times together—the times that consisted of only tentative caresses and soft brushes over their bodies among their snogging, this was downright sinful.

Cassius' hands couldn't seem to touch enough of her, the hem of her dress catching on his wrists as he groped at her backside, squeezing her hips, firmly fondling her breasts over her neon green bikini top when one strap of her dress slipped from her shoulder.

She kept his lips occupied with her tongue and teeth, nibbling at his bottom lip, licking into his mouth every time he gasped with each rock of her hips.

Thankfully, his mother and Venetia had long ago taken the tender back to the ship to start readying the deck for the upcoming party.

And in the last half hour or so, they could see the soft distant lights of the dinghy sailing back and forth, already toting some of the guests to the boat.

Jolie was willing to miss the party altogether at this point if it meant Cassius would finally indulge her in the distraction she most sought.

The sun was already dipping beneath the horizon, casting the skies in a glowing haze of oranges, pinks, and golds. Her favourite time of the day.

But the loss of the sun came with a cool, night breeze that blew in off the surface of the smooth sea.

Jolie did not feel any lack of warmth, however.

Not as heat pooled deep in her belly with every soft groan that reverberated from Cassius' chest. Not as want threatened to frenzy her with each little gasp she invoked from him.

It was distracting, yes. But as he moaned into her mouth, Jolie realised it wasn't just the distraction that she'd been needing—it was power.

She liked the idea of someone else losing control because of her. She liked the shifting dynamic.

It was much less about intimacy than it was about control.

What they were doing was not intimate. It was not romantic or affectionate.

This was frenzy. It was reckless abandon. It was the delirium she had been missing and yearning for ever since—

Jolie cut off the wandering thought.

She ground her hips against Cassius' more firmly, slowing the pace. She smiled against his lips as he heaved a strangled groan, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips hard enough to bruise.

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