Beginning Author's Note

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Hi, guys! 

I'm so glad to be back.

I just wanted to preface the start of this next book with a few things.

Firstly, if you're reading this before Antidote, I recommend going to read that first instead. If you really don't want to, then get it i guess. You might be a lil confused, but I think you'll catch on. (ur missing out tho, if i do say so myself)

Second, for those of you that are reading after the first fic, HELLO! I've missed seeing all your comments! It's been so motivating to hear your feedback.

Then, I wanted to let you guys know that this book will feature more of an omniscient perspective; meaning I'll be including some other characters' perspectives within the chapters. But it'll mainly stay in my OC's pov. 

And lastly, to read an alternate perspective of this fanon universe, go follow freddiesbxtch! She's currently writing her own Fred x OC love story, Restricted. It will be updated along with my fic once a week, every Sunday. So, if you choose to read both, it's like you guys get two updates per week! 

If you don't want to read both, that's cool too. I promise you won't be confused about anything that's going on. 

With that all being said, I hope you guys enjoy the story! I'm so glad you're here.


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