Chapter 28 - Oblivious Turmoil

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a/n hi everyone! so glad to be posting today!! i missed you all.

today's chapter title will explain itself nicely, i think. 

Song Suggestions:
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
Ace of Hearts - Zella Day

to find all songs listed, you can click the Spotify link in my bio for the Delirium playlist!

i hope you enjoy this chapter. (French translations will be in the comments)

happy reading! :)


Jolie did not immediately follow Madeline back to the Slytherin common room.

Instead, she remained in the corridor, taking several deep breaths, trying to collect herself. Once she'd regained her composure, the adrenaline finally abating, she returned to the dorm.

Still, she did not confront Madeline about seeing her sneak out of Snape's office.

In fact, Jolie did not bring up the fact that she knew her roommate had been lying to her at all.

She simply acted as though nothing was amiss; sitting casually on her bed as Madeline sat across from her on her own four poster, nodding astutely when Madeline began telling her (lying to her, really) about her day. Then, she lied to Madeline about her own day in turn.

Thankfully, Daphne had left their dorm before either of the girls had returned to it, so she wasn't present to refute any of Jolie's statements.

But despite knowing that Madeline was lying about attending Justin's duelling club, Jolie still listened closely to everything else her roommate said, hoping to catch onto some detail that might give her a hint to find the ground of her dishonesty.

Because, with what Jolie had seen—Madeline slipping out of Snape's office during non-office hours—it didn't look good.

It was something she didn't want to jump to conclusions about.

A student and a professor alone together behind closed doors. A Slytherin and her own Head of House...

The mere implication of it was disastrous.

If it were true, the scandal would be detrimental for all of Slytherin House. All of Hogwarts.

And whilst Jolie did hate being lied to, Madeline was still her friend. If she was hiding things because she was making poor choices, or worse: being coerced into making these poor choices, Jolie did not want to see her fall from grace because of it.

Once she finished telling her roommate what she'd done so far that Sunday, Jolie began to ask questions, pushing for more details. Madeline responded just as she'd hoped—perfectly willing to explain further.

So as she listened to her roommate talk more about her day, she found herself starting to hope that the reasoning behind Madeline's lies might not be as bad as it had looked.

Jolie committed all of her recounting to memory, adding her own facts along with them; what was the truth and what wasn't.

    1) Madeline had attended the duelling club today, and it had been 'a little dull,' but she'd learned to cast a decent Protego Charm: False.

    2) She hadn't attended lunch because she'd been practising it: True and false.

    3) She was in a fantastic mood: Evidently true. Though Jolie feared whatever the real reason may be.

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