Chapter 11 - Fulfillment: Pt. I

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a/n hi, everyone! i'm back!!! i know it's been WAY too long, but i promise to start posting more regularly. 

today we have a DOUBLE UPDATE! consider it my apology gift to you readers that have been waiting so patiently - thank you. you all are amazing. 

both of these parts are a little long, so settle in. i hope you enjoy :)


The Slytherin table was unusually quiet for a Saturday morning, the air thick with carefully contained mirth.

Peering over her friends' faces, Jolie pressed her lips together, attempting to hide the smile that threatened to spread. She could see similar expressions in all of their faces aside from only Pansy and Draco's.

Forks clanked against the plates, knives scraped against toast, teacups clattered gently against their saucers. Theo cleared his throat, finally cutting through the tense silence.

"So..." he said slowly with a smirk, looking over at Draco, "were you, at least, a cute ferret?"

The stilted quiet was immediately broken, the group of friends erupting.

Daphne smacked a hand over her mouth, keeping herself from spitting out her tea. Blaise hid his face in his hands, breathing a quiet laugh. Jolie and Madeline snorted and snickered, leaning into one another as they guffawed. Pansy gasped. Draco's porcelain skin turned crimson.

"Fuck you, Nott," Draco hissed.

Theo raised his eyebrows, holding his hands up in defence. However, his lips quirked up in a smile.

"What? It's a fair question!"

"Theodore, that's enough—" Pansy spat.

"Well? Were you?" Theo went on.

Further down the table, even Crabbe and Goyle were chortling, overhearing the exchange. They quickly looked away when Draco shot them a glare.

Pansy wrapped a protective arm around Draco's shoulders, scowling at Theo.

"Have you no decency?" she seethed. "Poor darling—in hospital for the last day—"

Theo snorted, banging a fist against the tabletop as he laughed.

Somehow, Draco's face flushed an even deeper shade of red.

The day prior, Draco had apparently caused a commotion in the Entry Hall, reading out a cruel article about Arthur Weasley to everyone around—Ron Weasley included. Everything had almost been alright; until Draco had called Molly Weasley 'porky'.

This had caused Harry Potter to retaliate, insulting Narcissa Malfoy. Then, Draco had cursed Potter's back, missing by only a few millimetres.

It had almost gone off without a hitch. However, Professor Moody had seen it, and decided the best form of discipline would be transfiguring Draco into a ferret, bouncing his little rodent body against the stone and up into the air as everyone watched. At least, that's what Jolie and the others had heard.

In the process, Draco had broken his clavicle and cracked a rib, needing Madam Pomfrey to repair the fractured bones.

As ridiculous as the entire situation was, Jolie wished she'd been there to see it. She didn't like what Draco had done, and she also didn't quite agree with Moody's way of handling the situation... But Merlin, what a show that would've been.

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