Chapter 1: PROLOGUE

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a/n i'm so glad to be starting this new journey! first update, double update :)

also, i thought it might be fun to let you guys know what i was listening to while writing. so, i'll sometimes include song suggestions here to represent the vibe of the chapter. you can find all of them on my spotify in the 'delirium' playlist

link in my wattpad bio!

Song suggestions:
Heat Waves - Glass Animals
Juliette - Slush Puppy
R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys

anyway, i hope you guys enjoy the chapters :)


On the twenty-third of August, George sat at the breakfast table with his mother, father, sister, and brothers. All of his brothers.

Like usual, even at this time of morning, everyone was lively and rowdy; except today, in particular, the whole family seemed to be in greater spirits. They were all excited for the upcoming events in the next few days.

The day prior, their father had finally managed to pull a few strings and get several tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! The tickets were a once in a lifetime opportunity, as well—prime seats in the Top Box.

When their father told them all of the news, Mum was quick to pen a letter to Harry Potter, traveling into the Muggle part of the village to send the envelope through the Muggle post.

While, of course, the letter was addressed to Harry's guardians, the Dursleys, it was really just precautionary. Dad planned on taking Harry with him to the Burrow no matter what those bloody Dursleys said.

And, even better, their father agreed to let Fred and George tag along with him and Ron to pick Harry up! It was the perfect opportunity to test their finalised prototype of Ton-Tongue Toffee.

Over the summer, the boys had been working diligently on perfecting the toffee; as well as a few other prank-sweets. So far, the toffee was their biggest success.

Unfortunately, being stuck at home for most of the summer, they hadn't been able to get anyone to test it. But they'd heard plenty of stories about Harry's terrible 'family'... as well as reading a letter from Harry to Ron about how his cousin was on some kind of diet.

The boy, Dudley, was probably starving.

So, once they got to travel to pick up Harry, Fred and George were devising a plan to give the Dudley-boy a snack.

"Do you suppose Harry's gotten it yet? The letter?" Molly Weasley asked no one in particular, absentmindedly levitating another sausage roll onto Ginny's plate.

Ginny pouted.

Fred and George snickered, still working on their first helping of breakfast.

"What?" Ron gasped. "You think he hasn't? What will we do—?"

"Merlin, breathe, Ronald. I'm sure he's preparing to send a response now," Arthur hummed before taking another sip of his tea. "I'll bet those Muggles' post is exceptionally reliable—"

"I don't know about that," Ginny mumbled. "I reckon it's a bit silly to have to cover an envelope in stickers just to send it—"

"They're called 'stance', dear," Arthur corrected.

"Actually, Father," Percy spoke up, pompously raising his chin in the air, "they're 'stamps'."

Arthur pursed his lips and nodded at Percy, then Ginny.

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