Chapter 2: First Year Flock

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a/n enjoy :)

song suggestions:
Hayloft - Mother Mother (picture a 2000s movie's opening montage)
Chit Chat - Beach Weather


1 September 1994

Jolie Carrow held her shoulders back and chin high as she stepped through the pillar onto Platform 9 ¾.

Promising to meet back up with Daphne in their favourite compartment on the train, she made her way toward the hustle and bustle of students, her green and silver prefect badge shining brightly on the breast of her robe.

As she walked, her eyes searched over new and familiar faces, attempting to seek out this year's Head Girl, Beatrice Haywood, for her first job as the newest Slytherin girl prefect.

She anticipated the greeting to be just a bit awkward since Haywood was now Theodore's ex-girlfriend as of only two weeks ago—the breakup being Theo's doing, as usual. But Jolie wasn't really worried about talking with Haywood. She was just glad to have something more to do.

Starting her fifth year, it was fulfilling to be given the responsibility of being a prefect. She'd practically fallen over in tears upon receiving the silver badge in the post the day before.

But, regardless of the satisfaction of becoming a prefect and the excitement of being back at school with her friends, she already partly missed summer.

Jolie's holiday had been surprisingly fun, all things considered.

Despite the 'exclusivity' of the courtship she'd entered, she was still able to spend time with her friends.

Theo visited frequently, having nothing else to do. Daphne visited twice, spending the rest of her time with Blaise and her parents—she also went as far as traveling to Italy to meet Blaise's mum. Pansy visited just once with Draco to attend Jolie's birthday party.  Along with the rest of her friends, Jolie had even gotten to see Neville Longbottom on her birthday!

He'd gifted her an ant-farm which was... brilliant.

In all honesty, she had no idea how to care for ants, but Neville tried to tell her everything she needed to know. In turn, she promised him she'd take good care of them.

And her courtship with Jacques Thibaut, France's Minister of Magic's son, had actually turned out to be quite a treat.

She met him for the first time on the third of July—which happened to be his seventeenth birthday. Very quickly, he and Jolie filled each other in on their predicaments and expectations for the future courtship.

Pansy had been right about one thing: Jacques was most definitely gay.

It had been one of the very first things he'd told her. Though, the truth was, his parents did accept him for it. They even encouraged his exploration of his sexuality. The only reason Jacques chose to court a witch was because he wasn't quite ready to come out to the public.

He was scared of the criticism it might cause his father if his son came out publicly. He was also fearful of the possible media backlash it might've caused him.

So, he'd courted Jolie.

They became fast friends, finding plenty of commonalities between one another in only the first few chaperoned dates.

Over time, she helped him with his English (although, he was already nearly fluent) and became a listening ear for him to air any of his grievances. In turn, he helped her break out of her shell, encouraging her to creep out of her comfort zone.

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