Chapter 25 - Halloween Pt. II

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a/n hiiiii!!!! i'm back and recovering nicely from surgery. btw the urge to name this chapter 'Hotdogs & Kitty-Cats' was SO strong. you'll see why.

also, please note that there is only small amounts of plot in this chapter, but lots and lots of fun. i just couldn't stop typing, ok. but i was fr giggling the whole time.

French translations will be in the comments!

i hope you all enjoy :)

CONTENT WARNING// Underage alcohol consumption, Alcohol poisoning, and Vomiting.... (it's really tame tho, i promise. i don't describe anything in detail)


Standing at the kegs with Jacques, helping him collect the drinks for their group of friends, George fought for something to say to the wizard.

They had absolutely nothing in common aside from simply knowing Jolie Carrow.

And after being with her last night, and seeing the low, front lacing of her costume tonight, thinking of Jolie at all made George's brain, to put it in simple terms, turn to utter mush.

But she was the one subject they could agree upon. And George knew she wanted them to get along. He knew Jacques's cold greeting had disappointed her.

So he'd do whatever he could to fix it.

As Jacques held his wand up, levitating the cups above them as George filled yet another, George decided he would start with a careful approach. Something simple.

Holding a cup of the ale in his other hand, Jacques took a sip.

"Well?" George asked. "Do you like it?"

Jacques cut his sapphire eyes to him. He did not answer.

George cleared his throat. "Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade—she uses Hagrid's pumpkins to make it. It's her seasonal specialty."

Still, Jacques said nothing.

George stood, holding the last cup of the ale they needed. He gestured at Jacques's cup.

"What do you think?"

"You do not deserve 'er," Jacques said simply.

George raised his eyebrows and let out a low whistle. "Jumping right in, aren't we?"

Jacques only narrowed his eyes. So George let his faux amusement fall away, stepping up to Jacques. He inwardly cursed the fact that they stood at the same height. Exactly eye to eye.

"No, I might not," George muttered, speaking to Jacques's original statement. "But she chose to be with me—no contracts involved. And I'm good to her—"

"Good to 'er," Jacques laughed mockingly. "You were aware 'zat she was not given a choice to have me court 'er. Yet, you did not write to 'er."

"I didn't know—"

"I watched as she searched 'ze mail each day. I sat with 'er as she cried over you. Why would I ever believe you are good enough for 'er—?"

George winced at that, but he spoke over Jacques again.

"Listen, I didn't know. I had no idea the courtship wasn't real! I knew she hadn't originally been given a choice, but after seeing the photos of you two—all those bloody articles—I thought she must've warmed up to you—"

"'Zen you are stupid!" Jacques spat. "Un idiot!"

"No shit!" George scoffed, definitely understanding that last bit. "I know that now. We've spoken plenty about it."

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