Chapter 30 - The Match

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a/n hiiiii!!! oh, do i have a chapter for you all.

i really hope you enjoy this one. i loved writing it so much.

happy reading, everyone :)

Song Suggestions (best to listen when the match begins):

Song 2 - Blur

Supermassive Black Hole - Muse

Bulls On Parade - Rage Against The Machine

Content Warning: Violence and blood


Predictably, the Great Hall was thunderous with noise.

This morning marked the first quidditch match of the season. Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

While the table of Lions chanted and roared, across the way, the table decked in various shades of green weren't very off with the noise they were making.

Lucian Bole, one of Slytherin's beaters, stood up on the bench and shouted an obnoxious battle cry—though, he quickly got down when his voice cracked, and several Ravenclaws began to laugh.

A few first years started to chant Draco's surname, several others quickly joining in; Pansy included, to Jolie's surprise.

Basking in the attention, Draco stood and waved pompously to his admirers, making the shouts and cheers of his fellow teammates grow even louder.

In every enunciated syllable of the chanting—'Mal-foy! Mal-foy! Mal-foy!—Theo and Blaise began slamming their fists onto the table.

Silverware, plates, and goblets rattled. Daphne made a small hmph when her bite of fried egg and tomato fell off her fork from the pounding. Jolie snatched her teacup off its saucer before her tea could spill over the sides of the porcelain.

As she took a long sip, she couldn't help but grin behind the rim when she saw Madeline's face.

Her roommate looked shellshocked from all the commotion.

Sitting directly across the table from her, Madeline's dark eyes were wide as they darted around the table. Her lips were slightly parted in evident astonishment.

She clearly had not realised the full weight of enthusiasm for the game of quidditch amongst the Wizarding World. Not until now, anyway.

Even the Beauxbatons students at the Ravenclaw table seemed to be giddy with excitement, switching back and forth between peering at the Slytherins and Gryffindors with wide, gleeful smiles.

Hestia and Flora were the only Beauxbatons witches standing right alongside the Slytherins, cheering and laughing with them.

Further down the table, Durmstrang seemed to blend right in with the Serpents, shaking team member's shoulders and chanting with the rest of the green-robed students.

After a few more sips of her tea, as Jolie set her cup back down, the bottom rattled against its saucer, her hands tremoring slightly with anxious nerves.

Despite not playing for any team, she was well acquainted with what she presumed to be pre-game jitters. Especially for this match.

The first was always one of the most anticipated—only second to the Final.

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