Chapter 8 - Seeing Stars

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a/n hey everyone! i hope you all had a good week.

we are here with my all time favorite chapter to write, thus far. so, as always, buckle in. you shall no longer be surprised when i say it's a long one.

i hope you enjoy!

song suggestions: (find all of these on the Delirium playlist. spotify link in my bio!)
Out of My League - Fitz and The Tantrums
Pretty Lips - WINEHOUSE
Jolie - Rook Monroe


With her hair rolled up in a haphazard bun and pyjamas on, Jolie tucked herself into bed just as the sconces went out. Outside, she could hear the soft warbling of the water against the windows. She jumped as Tea Kettle hopped onto the bed, then slowly stalked across the duvet to, eventually, lay across Jolie's neck once she fell asleep.

Jolie wriggled deeper into her sheets and tucked her blanket up against her chin, making herself comfortable.

As soon as thirty seconds of silence passed, her and Madeline's nightly ramblings finally began.

"How has Hogsmeade housed only wizards all these years?" Madeline asked.

"Reckon they all use Muggle-repelling charms," Jolie sighed. "I've no idea how else they've done it."

"Would you ever want to live there?"

"Nah, not really. You?"

Jolie could hear Madeline shake her head, her roommate's hair sliding against the pillow. "Probably not. Though, I've never been. Who knows? I might grow to like it."

"Are you excited?" Jolie breathed in the darkness of their dorm. "It's another First to check off the list—"

"Oh, please—I should be asking if you're excited," Madeline laughed. "You're going on a date tomorrow."

Jolie pulled the covers up over her mouth, hiding her impossibly wide smile even though she knew her friend couldn't see. She was, indeed, very excited.

Before she and George's jaunt in the corridors on Tuesday night to lay out diversions, the same day, she'd informed everyone at the breakfast table about him asking her on an official date—despite knowing about it since Saturday.

Daphne had nearly wrung her neck in excitement.

"Has he said what you're doing yet?" Madeline asked.

Jolie shook her head. "He said it's a surprise. Who knows what that'll entail."

"It'll be fun," Madeline breathed a laugh.

"I hope," Jolie sighed theatrically.

Madeline gave a mirthful scoff. "Don't act like you're not completely head over heels for that boy—"

Jolie's gasp cut her off. "Matters of the heart are private—"

"Every time he comes into Potions, you're all 'Oh, George, how are you?' and if you see him in the corridors, you're like, 'Just look at him. Isn't he gorgeous?'—"

Whilst Madeline went on with her dreadful—and grotesquely inaccurate—impressions, Jolie sat up and searched furiously for a spare pillow, thankfully finding one at the end of her bed. She hurled it through the dark dorm, smiling when she heard it smack her roommate. Madeline only laughed.

"I've never said such things," Jolie huffed, crossing her arms. "I have no clue what you're on about—"

"You might not say them, but your face says it all," Madeline chuckled.

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