Chapter 24 - Halloween Pt. I

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a/n hiiii

sorry it's been longer than i anticipated. this could've been a double update, but pt. 2 just isn't ready yet. i just wanted to get this one out here in the meantime. it shouldn't be long until the next update! 

song suggestions: 

Dancing Queen - ABBA


Fat Bottomed Girls - Queen

i hope you guys enjoy this one. happy reading :)


The following day, midmorning, Jolie sat criss-cross on her bed, grinning to herself as she waved her wand over a new seam of the stretchy, gold fabric of Laura's soon-to-be Halloween costume.

She'd been in high spirits since the night before.

After their second shower of the evening, George had tucked her into bed, kissed her until both of them bore content, sated smiles, and promised to see her tomorrow—adding a 'Happy Halloween, by the way' after seeing it was past midnight. With that, he had slipped out, letting a grumpy Tea Kettle in as he left, and Jolie had been asleep before Madeline had even returned.

Jolie was pretty sure her easy, satisfied smile had lingered ever since.

And if it didn't, her cheerful mood certainly did.

"Do you want the trousers to be flowy, or tight?" she asked Laura, holding up the fabric.

"Make them shorts!" Emma offered. Laura gasped her agreement.

Jolie tutted. "It's not even 5 degrees outside. You'll freeze—"

"It'll be worth it!" Laura argued. "I want to resemble a Snitch as much as possible!"

"Exactly. She can't very well have gold going all the way down her legs," Emma added.

Jolie pursed her lips and huffed. "Fine."

She sliced the tip of her wand over the fabric, cutting the trousers off into shorts, then set to charming the needle and golden thread to start hemming.

The first-year girls squealed and clapped.

Laura Madley and Emma Dobbs, two members of the First Year Flock, sat on the floor between Jolie and Madeline's beds, passing poor Tea Kettle back and forth to one another to give her cuddles. Jolie's fluffy familiar allowed it, but the cat's ears remained flat on her little head to demonstrate her pique.

Madeline, seated at the desk, ignored them, continuing to scribble onto a piece of parchment. The Charms essay she'd either procrastinated or forgotten about. Several balls of crumpled parchment littered the floor around her.

Tea Kettle eyed them longingly.

Across from Jolie, sitting on Madeline's bed, Daphne was twisting and shaping countless golden pipe cleaners into the shape of fluttering wings—just like a Golden Snitch's.

Laura would be a sight to see at the Gryffindor party; Jolie and her friends were making sure of it.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at the girls.

"Emma, what are you going to be?"

"Oh, erm... I haven't got a costume—"

Daphne gasped. "What? Halloween is tonight. We'll need to—"

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