Chapter 39 - Pretentious

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a/n hiiiii long time no see! but, as an apology for the time i've been gone, here's a TRIPLE update.

i hope you all enjoy


They all walked together towards the open arena, Ginny and Bill leading the way.

They were tailed by Molly and Arthur, who were followed by Felix and Amélie. Then, Fred and Lee. Behind those two, Jolie walked beside George.

Without even touching him, Jolie could feel the stiffness of his gait. The tension in his body. He hadn't said a word to her since she'd told her parents that they were officially together. And now, he did not offer her his elbow. He didn't reach for her hand.

So, instead, she reached for his.

Sliding her fingers softly into his palm, she clasped them around his hand. She nearly let out a breath of relief when he grasped hers back. She squeezed, hoping the small gesture was enough to convey a silent apology for now. He swept his thumb over the back of her hand slowly, comfortingly. She moved closer to his side, leaning her head against his arm.

The tension in his body lessened. Just slightly.

They both turned when they heard Theo grunt behind them.

Hestia had hopped up onto his back, forcing him to carry her in on piggyback. Theo didn't deny her of it, rolling his eyes and hoisting her up higher as she laughed.

Behind him, Daphne held Flora's hand, both girls swinging their arms and smiling as they listened to Theo's grumbling complaints, which were drowned out by Hestia's giggling. Daphne's smile, in particular, was bright as she watched Theo staggering ahead. She looked amused and fond all at once.

Jolie recognised the look, grinning to herself as she faced forwards and continued to walk. It was the same look her own parents often gave one another. Adoration.

As they crossed the remainder of the grassy plain leading to the arena's entry, Jolie caught sight of several Healer's tents set up along the edge of the enclosed space, Healers and Medi-witches and -wizards bustling about, organising their equipment.

Briefly, she wondered why there needed to be more than four tents. There were only four Champions. But, she realised that meant there was likely a chance for members of the audience to be harmed by the Task as well.

What the hell could cause harm to the Champions and the audience?

To the right of the entrance, a huge canvas tent was erected, at least three times the size of the medic tents. It was likely where the Champions sat in wait.

A wave of dread suddenly washed over her.

Cedric was in there, awaiting a task that had been deemed highly dangerous. She said a quick mental prayer to the many deities that he wouldn't be scared, that he would be brave, and above all else, that he would be safe.

Inside the arena, Jolie found the audience was split in several sections.

There was one small space for the four judges. Behind these seats, the many professors sat, some appearing pale and nervous, some looking surly and disdainful, and others excitable and spirited.

She nearly laughed when she saw Professor Sprout was among the latter, draped in several shades of yellows and black, a large stuffed badger as a hat on her head. She also wore a wrinkled neon yellow, high visibility waistcoat atop her marigold jumper; the type that Jolie had seen Muggle scaffolders wear. In big, broad black letters across the back, Cedric's surname was printed. DIGGORY.

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