Season 9 Episode 23 - Space and time

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Darius Dunn and Ch'rell came through the portal and immediately saw the person who had created the portal.

Darius(Squinting at the figure in the dark.): You were the one who created this portal?

Mysterious figure: Yes, and- (Then he saw that someone else was coming through the portal.) Someone else is coming through! (He clumsily tried to use the staff he held to close the portal, but it instead sent the portal away to somewhere else.) Argh! This scepter does nothing I order it to!

Shredder: What did it do?

Mysterious figure: It sent the portal to another place in this dimension. Those who are coming through will still come through. But no matter. We will be ready for them. (Cut to the turtles, who stumbled through the portal into unfamiliar terrain. Mikey turned to look back at the portal but it closed just as he glanced at it.)

Michelangelo: Uh, guys? Where are we?

Leonardo: I don't know.

Raphael: Where's ol' shred-head and Dunn?

Leonardo(Looking around.): I... don't know...

Michelangelo: But we went through the same portal, didn't we? How are we here but they're not?

Leonardo(Frustrated.): I don't know!

Raphael(Putting a hand on Leo's shoulder.): It's okay, Leo. We'll figure a way out of this.

Leonardo(Looking around.): We should probably explore, look for someone we can ask. (They walked around for a while, noting floating objects like washing machines and clocks that were drastically out of proportion. And then after a while Mikey spoke up.)

Michelangelo: Does that floating dustbin look familiar to you guys? Because I think we passed it twice.

Raphael: That can't be possible, Mikey, we've been walking in a straight line!

Michelangelo(Insistingly.): But I'm sure I saw that floating dustbin twice already!

Leonardo: Let's just keep going Mikey, and we'll worry about it if we pass it a third time. (Then they inevitably passed the dustbin a third time.)

Michelangelo(Pointing.): There it goes again!

Leonardo: That can't be right.

Frog-like bipedal creature in a cloak(Popping up suddenly.): What can't be right? (The three turtles jumped.)

Raphael: What the shell-

Michelangelo: What are you?

Frog-like bipedal creature in a cloak(Indignantly.): Well that's rather rude. You're supposed to say, 'who are you?'.

Leonardo: Sorry, but who are you?

Diomil: I'm Diomil. And what isn't right?

Leonardo: Well, Diomil, I'm Leonardo, and those are my brothers Michelangelo and Raphael and Don- (He caught himself and Raph and MIkey winced.) And what's wrong is that we seem to have been walking in circles even though we've been going in a straight line three times.

Diomil: But that's normal.

Raphael: What do you mean, that's normal?!

Diomil: It's normal in this sector, anyway. You must be new here or something.

Michelangelo: Yeah, we are. We just came through this portal-

Diomil(Jumping.): A portal? From the scepter- he brought you here!

Leonardo(Confused.): He who? (But Diomil hurriedly leapt away and through some strange optical illusion he was gone in an instant despite the land around them empty all the way to the horizon.)

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