Season 9 Episode 12 Con space

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President Bishop was fervently working on various intergalactic matters. His several dozen secretaries ran around telling him about various urgent stuff and he shouted a little back at them snappishly for reminding him of all his work.

Random secretary: President Bishop, sir, the New Justice Force are here for their application approval!

Bishop(Snapping.): Yes, Deborah, I know, have them go into my office, and try to get someone else to answer all my calls while I'm busy. (Sighing.) This is going to be a long day. (He sits down in his office and the New Justice Force come in. If you forgot, it's Turtle Titan, or Clark, Silver Sentry, or Kara, Maximilian Malignus, Zippy Girl, Angel, or Warren, Technopath, and Nano, who finally showed up.)

Nano: Good morning, President Bishop. It's been a while since we conversed.

Bishop(Cranky but trying to hide it.): Please get this finished quickly. I've a lot of work to do.

Turtle Titan: Right. So we're planning on getting approval for going on missions off-world at some point, and since you're the president of the Pan Galactic Alliance there's no better way to get permission.

Warren: We'd rather not go on an unexpected mission to another world and then have to clear up some legal business afterward.

Bishop: Yes, Genuity's explained it halfway and put in a good word.

Kara: You know Genuity?

Bishop: Yes, she's my goddaughter. (Everyone stared.)

Zippy Girl(Awestruck.): And I thought we, like, had super relatives.

Bishop: Yes, well, I'm inclined to think that this will be held up for quite some time. I will first have to clear up some problems regarding young Malignus here. (He glanced at Maximilian who kind of scowled.)

Maximilian: Just because I tried to kill them once-

Bishop(Continuing impatiently.): And caused quite some collateral damage. I've already talked to a few interplanetary delegates and they're uncomfortable with him on the team.

Technopath(Narrowing his eyes.): Max is a useful team member. He's going with us wherever we go.

Bishop: And then I have to arrange a committee with various other nearby planets, and then I'll have to argue with them about letting you leave willy-nilly.

Deborah(Rushing in.): President Bishop sir!

Bishop(Gulping down some imprudent words.): What is it now, Deborah?!

Deborah(Panting.): I'm sorry, but the Grand High Corporate Governor Majesty King Golbasto of Lilliput has been calling for the past few minutes. He's angry that you're late to the prison ship survey! (I've named all this stuff after the Lilliputians from Lilliput from the book Gulliver's Travels.)

Bishop: But I told you to send a lower secretary.

Deborah(Miserably.): I did send someone, but the Grand High Corporate-

Zippy Girl: Oh, just, like, shorten his name to Golby and like, get to it already!

Deborah: Well, then, Golby is incredibly furious and offended that you chose to send a representative instead of coming yourself and he is threatening to reignite the Egg Trade War.

Bishop(Groaning.): It took me months to convince him to call a temporary truce on that silly war!

Kara(Raising an eyebrow.): Egg Trade War?

Nano: I would tell you all about it but I presume that this is not the time.

Bishop(Leaving.): Deborah, get me my private shuttle. I need to get there quickly.

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