Season 8 Episode 9 - Family issues

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It was a quiet night that, well, night. All the turtles were sleeping in their rooms, Klunk was purring dreamily on Mikey's chest, Serling was in a power down mode to rest, and Master Splinter was quietly meditating. Anyway, we'll focus on Donnie for now. He was dreaming about finally getting that time window he was making to work. Anyway, the dream was interrupted as he saw something strange. I don't mean he woke up to see something strange, I meant that he was still dreaming and he saw something strange. And before you think that dreams are usually strange, I'll tell you what he saw. Donnie's dream world started warping, and he saw that he was now partially in a different dream world now. It was by the docks, and there was something big and monstrous-looking creeping and crawling around the place. Donnie couldn't really tell what was going on. How was he dreaming this? But the answer was it wasn't his dream, though he was still asleep. Donnie saw Genuity standing there, not in his dream, but in the other dream world, which he assumed was her dream. Anyway, she wasn't wearing her blindfold in her dream world. Not that she had to. She was slowly walking toward the great beast thingy that was still on the prowl. As Genuity got close, she started saying something that sounded like 'dad'. Don started to reach out to her, thinking that it might be dangerous, and Genuity turned and heard and saw him. Then Donnie woke up.

Donatello(Sitting upright in bed.): Was that just a dream? It felt too... different. (He got up and started to put his gear on. In a different room, Master Splinter opened his eyes gravely. It wasn't that Donnie was being loud or anything, he honestly didn't want to wake anyone up. Let's just say Don and Genuity weren't the only ones dreamwalking tonight. Anyway, cut to Genuity sleeping, or seemingly sleeping, in a room with an open window at April and Casey's apartment. She was wearing her blindfold of course. Anyway, Donnie soon arrived perched on her windowsill and she didn't seem surprised by it.)

Genuity: Hi Donnie. You were in my dream.

Donatello: I wasn't trying to be in there.

Genuity: I know. You just wandered into my dreamscape. And I don't want to talk about what I was dreaming.

Donatello: How about thinking about it? (But Genuity shook her head, and Donnie felt there was something going on in her head. Not that she was letting him feel it using her telepathy though. It was the lack of her letting him feel anything from her that alerted and bothered him. But he didn't want to press the matter at this hour of the night so he left. As he went to another rooftop, he noticed Master Splinter and his brothers waiting for him. A few of them were yawning.)

Leonardo(A little sluggish.): Don, what are you doing awake at this hour of night? Master Splinter said you went to visit Jenny.

Donatello(Looking at Master Splinter.): Uh, yeah. (Then he related the whole experience to them.)

Raphael(Yawning grumblingly, as his lack of sleep was making him even more cranky than usual.): So you were in her dream and you wanted to check on her?

Michelangelo(Yawning but still impressed.): Cool.

Donatello(Wonderingly.): But I'm still trying to figure out why she called it... 'dad'. (They all look at him without saying anything.)

Splinter: Let us go back to sleep, my sons. We can resolve this in the morning. (Yawning, they all scrambled down the nearest manhole and went back to bed. But that doesn't mean they all went back to sleep. Cut to the next morning, with Casey sparring with Genuity. He charged at her, but she dodged under him and then kicked him forward using her momentum, with her assailant flying further away with his momentum. Genuity then instantly apologized.)

Casey(Sitting up and rubbing his behind.): Gee, you guys have gotten pretty good at being teachers.

Leonardo(Modestly.): Well, I guess so. It's not like we're as good as Master Splinter or anything.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 season 8 and 9Where stories live. Discover now