Season 8 Episode 4 - IQ^2

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Mikey was reading a comic book in the lair, when he finished it much too soon. He went and searched through his other pile of comics, looking for the next issue, but he couldn't find it. So he pulls out his shell cell to call some comic book shops, and in the background Leo and Raph are sparring, and Master Splinter is annoyed by the noises his sons are making, please reference the season 2 episode 22 Return of the Justice Force. And Raph is starting to get annoyed too, because Mikey was disturbing his concentration in his sparring.

Raphael: Oh, why do you like that comic so much? It's just a story.

Michelangelo(Pissed, ticked off, triggered.): Just a story? Just a story?! Dude, the story's real to me!

Raphael: Doesn't change the fact that it's still a fake story. It doesn't have any real use.

Michelangelo: Yes it does! My knowledge of comic books have helped us before. (He then rattles off and references a couple of episodes where his knowledge had helped. That didn't sway Raph, though.)

Raphael: Well, then what happens when you're in a situation where those stories won't help? All this comic book reading is interfering with your training time!

Michelangelo: I dunno, improvise?

Raphael(Suddenly pretty annoyed for some reason.): Exactly! You're gonna lose and lose and keep on losing until the rest of us are there to jump you out of trouble! Face it Mikey, if you keep on thinking and acting dumb then you're going to get your shell handed to you. (Mikey opens his mouth to retort when Splinter finally stands up, disgusted by their behaviour. And if you're wondering what Donnie and Leo are doing, they were watching the argument and wondering if they should stop it because both of them made pretty good points. Well, Raph made better points then Mikey, I'm sorry to say.)

Splinter: Enough, both of you. Raphael, you are right when you say that Michelangelo spends too much time reading his comics. But a ninja that does not rest is a ninja that will fail as much as one who does not stop resting. And Michelangelo is not dumb, he is simply intelligent in a different way. (Then Mikey's shell cell rings. It's the comic book people saying that they found the issue he wanted.)

Then Mikey leaves the lair telling the people he's talking to on the phone to reserve a copy of the issue he wanted until he got there. Donnie tosses him some clothes to blend in, and Klunk tries to go out with him as usual but the turtle absent-mindedly pushes her away. Cut to later, Mikey was coming home with the comic book, and his mind was busy thinking about what Raph had said about him being dumb, leading to him not noticing a truck belonging to Agent Bishop coming his way just as he's crossing the street. The truck honks its horn, and Mikey jumps out of the way just in time as it swerved out of the way. It crashed and the back doors flew open as it upturned itself, and vials of chemicals spilled open all over Mikey. And if you think things can't get anyworse, the truck that had crashed had knocked down a powerline and inadvertently snapped a line. While Michelangelo had managed to dodge the falling pole, the snapped line accidentally struck him in the back and he got electrocuted. Then, hissing, the singed turtle fell over in the middle of the street, unmoving. Cut to Karai and Chaplin walking Genuity around the city, apparently shopping. They were helping Genuity master her agoraphobia, but the poor kid was moaning that the thoughts of everyone in the street were invading her head, and then to help her get her mind of of it Karai told her that she would be continuing her ninjutsu lessons with her when they got home. Then Genuity stopped, shuddering. Karai and Chaplin turned back, wondering why she had stopped. Then Genuity sprinted off in another direction, stating that Mikey was in trouble. The couple then quickly followed her. Cut again to later in Karai and Chaplin's house. The couple had gently brought Mikey in and laid him on a bed, and they were trying to heal him. They couldn't exactly bring a teenage mutant ninja turtle into the hospital. There would have been a lot of weird situations there. Then the other turtles and Splinter arrived, worried.

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