Season 8 Episode 14 - A new pair of wings

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The screen shows a shot from the season 4 episode 7 A wing and a prayer. Some Avians are depositing Mephos, who has recently lost his feathered wings, onto the streets of New York. He cursed and screamed. And then a strange mirror viewing portal like the ones Dracor uses appeared in front of him. A mysterious figure spoke to him.

Mysterious figure: You are the Avian Mephos, are you not?

Mephos: How do you know of me, and who are you?

Mysterious figure: Let us just say we met in another lifetime. But I have a little gift for you. (The figure does some weird magic staff waving and all of a sudden Mephos has his metal wings in place of his feather ones. When I first watched the episode where he appeared I always wondered how he got his wings. Mephos examined his newer, more powerful wings raptly and tested them. He flew a few meters and shot a few of those metal feathers off like Archangel from X-Men.) I will not ask anything of you yet, but know that when we meet in the future that you owe me. (Then show a few more scenes of Mephos getting defeated by the turtles in the same episode listed above and then getting his new wings taken again before getting jailed. The same mirror viewing portal came to him again.) Mephos. I see that you have failed. But no matter. (The figure gave him his metal wings again, but these were more powerful, and had mystical streaks running through them. Mephos' bonds vanished too.) I will set you free from the prison you are currently trapped in. But this time I have a condition. You must destroy the turtles. I know you have met them before and they were the ones who helped defeat you.

Mephos(Arrogantly.): Why should I listen to you?

Mysterious figure: Because you owe me twice now, and just as I gave you your new wings I can take them away any time I please. Go and destroy the turtles, and I shall give you even more power than you have dreamed of, power to finally take over the world like you had wanted. (Mephos grudgingly agreed, and the mysterious figure teleported him out of the cell to New York city. Cut to the turtles in their lair. Or, well, sort of in their lair.

Michelangelo: Woo! I've been meaning to try out a few sick moves on my skateboard. (The turtles were outside the lair with their uh, what do I call them? Vehicles? But since when are bikes, skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades vehicles? Anyway, Genuity watches them do some tricks for a while.) Hey, Jenny, wanna join in? (Genuity smiled but shook her head.)

Donatello: Mikey, she's mentally five years old and has been in a house for her whole life. She doesn't even know how to ride a bike yet. (Mikey looked kind of crestfallen.)

Michelangelo: Oh. But maybe we can teach you sometime. (Then his shell cell rings.)

Raphael: Aw, shell. I was just getting warmed up!

Raptarr(On the phone.): Turtles! I require your assistance! (Background fighting noise could be heard through.)

Leonardo: Raptarr, what's happening?!

Raptarr(Shouting.): Come now! (Then they heard him get hit, and then came a noise that sounded like his wristband communication thingy had gotten ripped off, and then the line went dead like the wristband had gotten stepped on and crushed. The turtles all look at each other. Cut to them arriving at the Justice Force Headquarters. And for once Mikey isn't wearing his Turtle Titan costume. Anyway, they found a couple Justice Force members on the floor having gotten beaten up, and the whole room was torn up with scratches and stuff, and weird feather knives were stuck in different places. I think you can guess where those came from: Mephos' new wings. The turtles and Genuity quickly helped them up and Donnie started doing first aid. Also, not all of them are here.) Thank goodness you're here.

Donatello: Don't try to talk, Raptarr. These wounds are pretty bad.

Leonardo: Who beat you up like this?

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