Season 8 Episode 2 - From quartet to quintet

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Some words on the screen say 'a few days ago'. Hun was seen hiding somewhere in the shadows near a grocery store. Then he sees a little girl, a street away, wearing a blindfold that she constantly peeked out under. She didn't seem to notice him. Hun liked that. He didn't want her to be appalled by his appearance like most people were. At any rate most of his crew were. Then he saw something he didn't like. Some gangsters were trying to rob her. He didn't really know why he didn't like that. Then he gets a flashback to his childhood. The flashback doesn't show Hun, though, just what he saw through his eyes. At any rate, he was being beaten up by some older kids than him who were calling him a freak. Then later he was playing a videogame to just escape from all the bullying. Then another scene shows him training himself to be stronger, saying that he'll make his own gang and that he won't ever be bullied again. The next flashback shows him making the Purple Dragons, doing to his bullies what they had done to him. Now he was the one calling others freaks. Then the flashback ends. He looks back at the girl. He felt an impulse to rush out and help her, but luckily Karai saved the poor kid before he had to reveal himself. He sighed and walked away as Karai took Genuity to her house.

Cut to the turtles in the present. Donatello was working on a time window akin to Cody Jones' from 2105 to send Serling home. Please reference The season 6 episode 1 Future shellshock. Serling himself was assisting, and oddly enough Genuity was helping.

Donatello: Pass me that wrench, please. (But Genuity shook her head when Donnie was looking, however she was also giving the wrench he wanted to him even amongst other unspecified wrenches even before he had started talking.) Oh, yeah, right, I don't have to talk to you for you to get what I mean. (He finishes a few tweaks, and then he gets up.) I think I'm finished.

Serling: I can finally go back to 2105? Hooray! (The other turtles come in.)

Leonardo: What's all the commotion?

Genuity: Time window's finished. Serling's going home. (She seemed a little sad about him leaving. Don catches it.)

Donatello: Genuity, you do realize that Serling has to go back to his timeline, right? (Genuity telepathically told him that she understood that but it didn't make her feel better. She didn't particularly like Serling, but she wanted to know him better. Donnie gently pats her on the back.) Okay. (Raph and Mikey and Leo just looked in utter confusion.)

Raphael(Scratching his head.): Uh, are you two having a secret conversation that we don't know about? (Genuity realizes that she hadn't broadcasted it to the other turtles and then gives a sheepish grin that was basically a silent apology.) Uh, your 'silent treatment' is giving me a headache.

Genuity: Sorry. I usually just use words among people that I'm uncomfortable with because I don't like to let them read what I feel. (Raph muttered something about Genuity's psychic mumbo jumbo just confusing him.)

Serling(Barely believing his audio circuitry.): And to get back on topic, I can finally go home?!

Donatello: Yup! (He begins to fire up the time window.) I'm pretty sure I fixed all the kinks to your prototype that travelled you back in time. (Please reference the season 7 episode The incredible shrinking Serling.)

Leonardo: Congratulations, Serling!

Michelangelo: Say hello to Cody for us!

Splinter(Coming over to say goodbye.): Farewell, Serling.

Raphael: And almost good riddance. (Serling attempted to go through, but then something wrong happened with the time window, and as it started to glow it blew up, releasing smoke everywhere. Everyone except Serling began to cough, and Leonardo told everyone to go topside until the smoke dissipated, even Klunk. As everyone hurried up, with Michelangelo carrying Klunk, Genuity, last in line, suddenly shot a surprised glance behind her, as the retreating silhouette of a turtle was seen. After they all went up the manhole, they all panted and caught their breath as they gulped down fresh, smokeless air.) Donnie, what happened to 'pretty sure you fixed all the kinks'?!

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