Season 9 Episode 21 - Darkness returning

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The episode beings with Genuity asleep in her bed. She seemd okay so far. Then the screen shows her sewers of subconsciousness. The solid block cage that held the Necro Monster was cracking. Gashes were being torn in its sides as the Necro Monster tried to claw its way out of the trap. Thankfully, he wasn't doing a very good job at it. But still, every strike he threw made the cage reverberate. Slowly or not, he would get out eventually. Genuity suddenly sat up with an odd look on her face. Donnie came into the room.

Donatello: Genuity? I... felt something from you. Were you having a bad dream?

Genuity(Slowly.): No... I don't think so... something just feels like it's gonna crack...

Donatello(Confused.): Huh?

Genu-Itty: Gee, Genuity, you're sounding more nonsense than I usually do! That's my thing!

Jen-uity(Sensing what Donnie was going to ask.): And no, Donnie, we don't know what she's talking about either.

Donatello(Still confused.): Uh, okay... er, we've got waffles for breakfast. Or at least we will. Cody and Serling are out buying them.

Genu-Itty: Did you tell them to buy ones with avocado cream?

Donatello: Um, no.

Genu-Itty(Pouting.): Aw. (Donnie left the room first and then Genuity afterward, but as soon as she stepped out of the room she fell into a portal that just opened up beneath her feet and it closed over her as soon as she fell through. Donnie turned back around quickly, but the portal had already gone before he had even seen it.)

Donatello(Worried and shocked.): Genuity? Genuity! Genuity?! (Cut to Genuity who had just fallen through the portal into an unfamiliar landscape. She peeked out from under her blindfold and quickly covered her eyes again, as she had seen someone nearby, lurking in the shadows. But not only that, she recognized him.)

Genuity: You. It's you.

Mysterious figure(Hissingly, but not looking directly at her.): Yes... it's me.

Genuity: What do you want?

Mysterious figure: For you to hold still. (He quickly cast a magic spell from a staff that he held that summoned a tree that wrapped and bound Genuity in thick, tight branches.) Good. Now the real fun can begin. (The mysterious figure used his staff again and this time cast a spell that wormed its way into Genuity's head, then her psyche, and then cracked open the cage that held the Necro Monster.) Why, hello.

Necro Monster: You freed me.

Mysterious figure(Using his staff to rewind the tree away.): Yes, I have, and I assume that I do not need to introduce myself?

Necro Monster: You assume correctly. Now, what have you released me for? I assume, and I assume also correctly, that you intend to use me for something.

Mysterious figure: Yes, that is also correct. How would you like to get revenge on those turtles?

Necro Monster: You assume you can manipulate me, the master manipulator. And while I detest those turtles, I am older than you can ever dream of. Petty revenge is above me.

Mysterious figure: But I released you. Surely you are indebted to me.

Necro Monster: That is true, but what makes you think that I will listen to you?

Mysterious figure: Because I know you crave control over every single mind, and I can assist you with that.

Necro Monster(Peaked): How?

Mysterious figure: You know of the existence of multiple worlds, do you not?

Necro Monster: Yes, I do.

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