Season 8 Episode 18 - The return of Touch and Go

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Hun and Khan were talking together. They were talking about Dracor. They were saying to each other about how Dracor seemed pretty sly and untrustworthy, yet shrewd and cunning. Pretty foxlike for a dragon. And they were also saying to each other how he spies on almost everything that happened, and how they don't really want to trust him much. He basically just told them to help him defeat the turtles and he never said much else. Anyway, Hun decides on an idea to get rid of the turtles before Dracor could do anything suspicious. He pulled out his phone, and then he told the people on the other end that he's got a job for them. Cut to the turtles and Genuity in their lair, they were all training. Master Splinter was having them wear their masks backward again and try to figure out how to use their other senses to 'see' just like in the season 6 episode 23 DNA is thicker than water. Instead of Leo attacking them this time, though, it was Genuity. And she had her blindfold off for once because everyone else had their eyes closed, including Master Splinter. Anyway, Donnie was performing better than last time, if you remember he tripped over Raph and Mikey, but this was because of his telepathic potential. He was now sort of sensing where everyone else was, which almost seemed like cheating, but he couldn't turn it off and Genuity was teaching him to subdue it. He wasn't entirely sure why it should be subdued yet, but maybe I'm only typing this in to foreshadow a future episode. Anyway, Leo was also doing good, but Genuity was still managing to sneak up on them and hit them in various places. At least until she got too close to Raph, who was flailing around in various directions not even attempting to find her, and she looked distracted for a moment and got hit by one of Raph's fists.

Genuity(Rubbing herself with eyes tightly shut and sitting on the floor.): Raph, ow!

Raphael(Pulling his mask back in the correct position and pulling her up.): Why didn't you dodge?

Genuity(Explaining.): I was looking for my body. (They all groaned. After all, Genuity usually saw through other people's view of her to know where to move, so when she forgot she was looking through her own eyes she tried to find her body but of course didn't find it.)

Splinter: Perhaps this is enough training for today.

Leonardo: Anyone for patrol? (Everyone volunteered except Genuity who started trying to sneak away.) Jenny, I think you should come with us.

Genuity(Freezing and muttering quietly.): Just forget about the five year old agoraphobic telepath who's trying to sneak away from going outside.

Dontello: Come on, Genuity. We'll help you get over your fear of being outside and you'll have some fun.

Genuity(Muttering.): Fine, I guess I can have some fun if even Serling finds it interesting every once in a while.

Serling(Stopping annoyedly a few feet away.): Stop reading my mind. (Cut to later, they were hopping over buildings with Genuity, who was trying it slowly. She did admit at least once that it was pretty fun, although she was freezing up more and more about being outside. And then they got to a roof with a broken-off piece. It's the ledge that Raph tried to take a short cut on in the season 3 episode 8 Touch and Go. But then Genuity's agoraphobia triggers at an unfortune time and she falls down that exact same ledge. The turtles quickly race down to catch her, and they did, landing on the side street rather noisily. A well-polished door nearby opened up and Mrs Morrison wanders out.)

Morrison: My, my, what's happening out here?

Raphael(A little embarrassed.): Oh, sorry, Mrs M. Me and my bros were just, uh, playing.

Morrison(Pleased.): Ah, Raphael! It has been too long. Please, come in. (They walk in, and then they all gasp as they realized that she has fixed up her house really well.)

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