Season 9 Episode 17 - Wanted

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The tmnt were walking down the hallway talking when they passed a room with an open door. Genuity, without her blindfold, toppled out of the door backward onto the floor hard.

Donatello(Alarmed.): Genuity!

Genuity(Picking herself up and quickly putting her blindfold on.): I'm okay.

Leonardo: What were you doing in there?

Leon(Coming out from the room.): She was helping us. (The other Dark Turtles came out of the room too.)

Donald: She was trying to remove the hypnotically-induced mental barriers that stop us from attacking Darius Dunn.

Genuity: Not very well. There's so many psychic doors and walls that lock me out.

Rafe: You'll get there eventually.

Splinter: But in the meantime, please do not overexert yourself, Genuity. I understand your capabilities but it is not wise to strain your psyche.

Genuity(Nodding.): Okay. (Master Splinter looked like he was going to say something when a glint of metal on the ceiling caught his attention. He vaulted up and knocked the thing off the ceiling with his walking stick before catching it firmly between his fingertips.)

Mickey: What the-

Genuity: Language.

Donatello(Examining it curiously.): It's a microdrone. Built to spy on us, I bet.

Raphael: What's the point of spying on us?

Michelangelo(Bursting into the room.): Guys! I was just watching TV- you've got to see this!

Leonardo(Dismissively.): We're not into cartoons right now, Mikey, this is serious.

Michelangelo(Urgently.): No, I mean you've really got to see this! (Alarmed by his urgent tone, everyone filed into the living room where Cody was raptly watching the news.) This just showed up.

Reporter(In the screen.): The police have just received an anonymous tip-off that the infamous Dark Turtles, who are known allies of the criminal Darius Dunn, are being harbored by their so-called enemies, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Dunn's own nephew, Cody Jones. (The reporter pushed the microphone over to Constable Biggles who just walked in front of the camera.) Constable Biggles, what are your police force going to do about this recent news, and do you think all the turtles guilty of conspiring with Darius Dunn?

Biggles: Yes, I do, ma'am. And as to what I'll do, I'm going to go arrest all those annoying turtles and young Jones and bring them in for questioning! (All the turtles looked at each other in horror.)

Donatello: Darius Dunn must've planted the drone here last time he attacked to frame us!

Leonardo: Never mind that, we've got to leave!

Biggles: Leave? Oh, why must you? (Everyone turned.) Tut-tut. I can see the Dark Turtles from here, don't bother hiding them. Now, all of you are coming with us.

Genuity(Stepping forward.): No. You're not taking any of us!

Biggles: Like you can do anything about it, little girl.

Genuity(Taking off her blindfold.): I'm not that little anymore. (Constable Biggles yelped and short-circuited for a second, and everyone took the chance to run to the Hover Shell, with Mikey scooping up Klunk. It was rather cramped in there, though.)

Donatello: The Hover Shell wasn't built to seat this many!

Raphael(Pushing Serling away from him.): Yeah, I can see that! (Anyway, with a slight creak the Hover Shell took off and there was a couple minutes of evasive maneuvers and trying to lose the pursuing police, before they finally lost them and hid somewhere in a cloud.)

Donatello: Leo, where do we go?

Michelangelo: What are we supposed to do?

Leonardo(Trying to think.): Bishop! Maybe he can help. (They flew off to meet President Bishop. When they found him, though, he wasn't much help.)

Bishop: My hands are tied in this, turtles. I'd be risking my political status and a lot of intergalatic issues would be on the line if I tried to help. My best advice it to lay low and try to find some way to prove that the anonymous tip came from Darius Dunn or that the clip was faked. Now get out quickly, before you're spotted with me.

Genuity(Quietly, as she left.): It's okay, Uncle John. You tried. (The rest of the episode passed with the tmnt trying to sneak into Darius' lair using some help from Traximus, but then when they got in they were found out about and even they they escaped after a lengthy fight scene they never got what they came for. At least Donnie gave Traximus a special phone device that he could use to contact the turtles in case something important happened that they should know about. But anyway, when the tmnt got out of Darius' lair then they got caught by Constable Biggles and the police. What will happen next? That's in the next episode.)

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