Season 9 Episode 5 - Utrom homeworld

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The tmnt were discussing about Shredder and what he may be up to and what they were supposed to do about it. Donnie suggested Mortu, you know, the Utrom enemy of Ch'rell? Because Utroms live very long, like thousands of years long, another century wouldn't hurt him. And they also wanted to warn him that the Shredder was back. Splinter stayed home with the Dark Turtles to keep them out of trouble and Cody and Serling stayed home to keep up with O'Neil Tech stuff. Klunk tried to go with the turtles but Mikey said that 2105 was too dangerous for a kitty. Then the turtles realized that they had no idea where to go start looking for Mortu first.

Raphael: Wait, do any of us even know where to start looking for Mortu?

Donatello: I could hack into the security database.

Leonardo: That seems a little too extreme, Donnie.

Michelangelo: We could search the newspaper! That's how we found him the first time.

Genuity: Actually I know where we could find him. (They all turn to stare.)

Raphael: Did you use your psycho powers?

Genuity: No, I checked the phone book. It's a simple idea that works. Did you know that the aliens who don't have last names just are filed in a separate part of the book to-

Raphael(Interrupting.): Okay, okay, let's just go already.

Genuity(Giggling to Mikey.): He's just jealous and feeling silly that he didn't think of it first. (Raph growled. Cut to Ch'rell. He was overseeing a Triceraton ship, complete with crew, that was the one he took over when he latched onto the Triceraton captain's face. The crewmates were all looking fearfully at him. Ch'rell gave a small villain speech about how they were his new foot soldiers and that they would either listen to him or face the consequences. A brave but foolish Triceraton told the Shredder that he wasn't afraid of him, but Ch'rell, uh, shredded him to bits using his wrist-mounted plasma blades. The other Triceratons immediately backed off, and the Shredder repeated his warning about consequences. Cut to the turtles, they found a future version of the TCRI building where lots of Utroms were floating around working. Also, Genuity was very slow, but her agoraphobia seemed a little lessened. She was a slightest bit faster. At any rate, the turtles met some Utroms that they recognized, and had a few minutes of small chatter.) You all look like disembodied brains. No offense.

Leonardo: This is important. Ch'rell is somehow back and we have no idea what he's up to, and we think Captain Mortu could help us. (The Utroms gasp when they hear mention of the Shredder. Then they sooner or later explain to the turtles that Mortu was the senator of the Pan Galactic Alliance representing the Utroms now, and that he was on the Utrom homeworld doing important business, but that they could arrange a shuttle for the turtles. Sooner or later Genuity takes her first trip in zero gravity, and constantly reminds everyone of it by squealing excitedly every few seconds. There is nothing like a kid in zero gravity. Anyway, the tmnt sooner or later make it to the Utrom homeworld, and after a minute or so of looking around they somehow got to a building where Mortu worked. And surprisingly, so did Professor Honeycutt.)

Donatello: Professor! You're human!

Honeycutt(Who was his human self again.): Donatello! But how-?!

Sooner or later they get explanations. Gee, I should really stop saying sooner or later. Professor Honeycutt was able to have someone clone his human body and he created some technology that allowed him to transfer his mind to it. This happened around a decade ago. And he still has the robot body that Donnie made that he used to inhabit that he programmed to be a helper and named Sal, named of course after his original helper robot. Anyway Professor Honeycutt had been helping the Utroms since present day. The turtles explained to him and Mortu that the Shredder was back and that they had come to warn them and ask for help. Before much headway could be taken in the conversation, however, Ch'rell himself crashed the party. His plan was to get Mortu out of the equation, not only for revenge but also because if someone in a position as important as Mortu's would suddenly stop working then the Utroms would be in disarray. And in perfect condition to be conquered. Of course, the Shredder didn't exactly realize that the tmnt would be there, so at least he was caught by surprise, but he brought several Triceraton troopers with him. Genuity told everyone to try and be gentle because the Triceratons didn't really want to fight as they were simply being forced to by the Shredder, but the only effect of that was Ch'rell wondering how she knew that. Sooner or later the Shredder was defeated and Ch'rell was forced to flee, and the episode ends like that. Well, not quite. Mortu informed the turtles that they had to return to Earth and face the Shredder, but that the Utroms would help as much as possible. Mortu also gave them a, um, I guess you could call it a ticket, to Earth on a ship whose captain he knew. The turtles thanked him and left to find the ship and its captain to get home.

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