Season 9 Episode 7 - Darkness rising

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The turtles were at home and explaning what had happened on the Utrom homeworld to Master Splinter and Cody and the Dark Turtles. Needless to say, some of them were quite worried. Genuity was staring out the window, or well, trying to with her blindfold on, when she suddenly spoke up.

Genuity: I want to go outside. (Everyone gawked at her.)

Leonardo: Jenny? Are you sure?

Raphael(Struggling to pronounce.): But you have- agor-

Donald(Sniffing.): Agoraphobia.

Donatello: She wants to try and get over it.

Mickey: Well, I was craving some ice cream. (So that's how the tmnt and Cody and Genuity ended up going outside and getting ice cream. Genuity tried hard to stop fidgeting, but Donnie noticed of course. Anyway, then they had an, um, issue, when Genuity got recognized as President Bishop's goddaughter. Soon they were being swarmed by reporters, some for Channel Six news as a reference, and Genuity was trying to tell them that they were thinking too much, but she was barely heard. The reporters swarmed even more, and then Genuity fell over clutching her head. That made everyone anxious about her, and their thoughts quickened. Of course, this made things even worse, and Genuity involuntarily screamed mentally. Everyone within a fifty foot radius doubled over in pain, and most of them stopped thinking much, thankfully. Genuity stopped screaming once the thoughts didn't invade her privacy anymore. Then she blurted out several apologies and ran off. The tmnt and Cody quickly followed her, and they soon caught up in a bustling business but somewhat shady and not crowded area of downtown.)

Genuity(Murmuring uneasily.): It's been a while since an incident like that happened. I once went out of the house when I was three, and I got stuck in a crowd, and then that happened. It's kind of why I have agoraphobia. (She fidgeted uncontrollably and didn't even bother to hide it.) I want to go inside now. (Cody pointed out a large building near to them and they all walked inside.)

Michelangelo: Uh, does this place look familiar to anyone?

Leonardo: Now that you say it, it kind of does. What do you think, Donnie? Don? (Donnie looked kind of stiffened and he was staring blankly. Then he shook himself and looked at Leo.)

Donatello: Uh, yeah, Leo. (He paused.) You know, something about this place makes me feel a bit sick.

Cody(Racking his brain.): I think I remember reading in the journal an adventure you guys had before in this place. I just can't recall what it was. Oh, well, I'll just figure it out at home.

Raphael(Glancing at Genuity and then getting slightly worried for a second.): Jenny? (Everyone glanced at Genuity, who acted like Donnie, but to a greater extent. She was also stiff, but she was fidgeting slightly like she was outside, even though it was indoors.)

Genuity(After Donnie shook her a bit.): Oh, sorry. I want to go back out again. This place is creepy. (Everyone blinked. Then a man came in, a man that looked exactly like the one in the phone booth at the end of the season 3 episode 14 The darkness within. He looked very annoyed at finding people in what he called 'his house', and tried to shoo the turtles away, even going so far as to try and push Genuity out the door. The tmnt were all annoyed about that of course, but went home anyway. Donnie started noticing some weird things with Genuity, though. She didn't act very nice sometimes and was kind of creepier than usual. And she blocked him out and made a bunch of excuses for some things. She even started asking a few questions about the underground crystals from the old lair and about other stuff she should already know and said that she was only clarifying, despite the fact that she was telepathic should have stopped her from needing a clarification. Finally, Donnie, Master Splinter, and Cody had enough of her sinister grin and despite the other characters' skepticism or belief that she just had a hard day, and they snuck around her room while she should have been sleeping. But Donnie could sense that something was wrong. She wasn't even in her room. They quickly went outside and spotted her running silently downtown. She didn't even seem to tire or care about it. And then they were surprised when she clambered down a manhole. They quickly followed her, and she went to their old lair. Trashed up as it was, she began to search methodically for something. And then she found it. A glowing crystal, one of those that enhance telepathy. She began to speak in a creepy voice, completely and expectantly aware that she was being watched.) You suspected. Predictable.

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