Season 9 Episode 4 - Return of the Shredder

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The screen shows that this scene took place some time ago. Ch'rell was secretly sneaking around a spaceport. It was kind of easy for him considering he was small and quick, and Utroms were common by this point in time. At any rate he managed to sneak onto a Triceraton ship. He soon had managed to open the database of the ship, and was busy looking into information about this new time he was in. He soon found out that the turtles had somehow gotten here, and you should have seen his face when he angrily asked what it would take to get rid of those blasted turtles, no matter which version of them. And he also found out that the Utroms were still around on Earth which made him angry, and he started plotting to conquer planets with this newfound technology, like the Utrom world. Soon he found out what he wanted to know, but then he looked over his shoulder, uh, if he had shoulders, or at least the Utrom equivalent of them, but anyway Ch'rell was spotted by a Triceraton. The Triceraton quickly reported a stowaway, and some more Triceratons came to escort him out forcefully. However, despite being an Utrom with no limbs, Ch'rell soon showed them that he was exceptionally good at fighting. He latched onto their faces and made them tumble into each other, grabbed a gun and began to fire, and then he got to the Triceraton captain of the ship. He was a very powerful-looking Triceraton, not just in how he felt but in stature too. He was probably the most robust Triceraton you would ever see in tmnt. Anyway, that captain tried to stop Ch'rell but he only made it a little farther than his crew as the Utrom leapt onto his face. Cut to the tmnt in the present, or should I say future? But anyway, all eight turtles were trying to figure out what to do because they were all bored. Genuity was busy reading a book and not really paying attention to them.

Michelangelo(Thinking he recognized the book and getting a sinking feeling.): Uh, Jenny, what book is that? That looks a lot like-

Genuity(Not even looking up.): The journal? Oh no, this is Cody and Splinter's fake journal. It's kind of funny, really. (Please reference the season 6 episode 13 The journal. Genuity giggled.) Gee, Master Splinter, you should write funny stories more. (Mickey grabs the book and Genuity quickly shuts her eyes. Mickey starts reading and then begins laughing manaically. And then Rafe tried to take the book to read too, and uh, lets just say Master Splinter had to break up a fight.) You know, you're all feeling cooped up. Or at least most of you are. I can't tell with the ones whose minds I can't read.

Leonardo: Good point. Maybe we could go out tonight and get some fresh air. Release tensions, probably. (He glanced at the Dark Turtles who were still haggling over the journal. Anyway, all eight turtles left as it was nighttime and the Dark Turtles could go out without being noticed by cops. Genuity kind of looked disappointed as they left, because she also wanted to spend some more time with them but she still had agoraphobia. Then she made her mind up to try get rid of her fear, at least a little. She started heading outside.)

Splinter: Genuity, where are you going?

Genuity: Getting over my fear.

Splinter: It is not safe outside.

Genuity: Don't worry, sensei, I'll have my telepathy to help. I'll sense danger before it even gets close.

Splinter(Sighing.): I suppose you could learn to have a solo patrol. You can meet the turtles on their way back. (Smiling, Genuity attempted to go outside. She started moving slowly, taking careful steps, until she grew calmer because of how there wasn't anyone around at this hour. At least, not yet, while she took off her blindfold because no one was around for her to see. A while away, Genuity stopped when she sensed someone coming close. Someone she didn't recognize, and someone who she couldn't read the mind of. She began to feel fear. Then she calmed herself. She told herself that it was probably just some random alien having a late night walk or something.)

Mysterious figure(Emerging out of the shadows.): Hello, little girl.

Genuity: Who are you? I can't see you.

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