Season 8 Episode 6 - The next step

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The Foot Clan was in a tight spot. After their failed attempt to crash April and Casey's wedding for whatever reason and the defeat of Cyber Shredder, please reference the season 7 episode Wedding bells and bytes, Khan had to lead them now, and it wasn't like he was a bad leader, it was mostly that he spent most of his life listening to someone else, so he had no idea what to do. So yeah, they were in a tight spot. Throughout the previous episodes, they were just hiding out and trying to regroup while watching what happened to the outside world, hoping for a good opportunity for a move, a strike, anything. But nothing came up. So they simply resorted to thievery for now, and gaining power from the shadows, waiting for their opportunity. The opportunity that might never come. Khan asked a few Foot soldiers to go get some new recruits to sign up for their cause, whatever it was, and then some bowed and left. Cut to Karai and Genuity at her house. Karai was teaching the girl ninjutsu, and she was really doing okay, except she kept accidnetally knocking stuff over and Chaplin had to keep running to catch them in his already overburdened arms in the most comical way. After Genuity apologized for the gazillionth time, Karai decided it would be safer for the house and for Chaplin if she trained Genuity outside. At first Genuity's agoraphobia took over and she firmly planted herself as far away from the door as possible, but when Karai added that she would take her little protege to a rental dojo Genuity changed her mind and went. They went to the dojo, which was all the way out into the country, and paid to use it for a day, but Karai added that they didn't need to hire a teacher. So for a bit Karai and Genuity trained in a special room all to themselves, until the Foot soldiers tried to 'recruit' some of the people who had also rented the dojo for the day. When most of them refused, the Foot attacked. Some of them could hold their own, this being a training dojo for martial arts after all, but there were a few kids who were just having lessons there that were potentially in trouble. So Karai and Genuity tried to help out. Karai was of course very good, and Genuity still wasn't very good, but she could dodge because she read the minds of her opponents. Navigating between various views to see what she was doing was a bit confusing of course, but the Foot soldiers eventually ran off. Karai decided it was time to go home, and she and Genuity left. The Foot soldiers hurriedly run back to Khan, who at first was very disapppointed that they hadn't done their job. Or well, mad, actually.

Khan: You've failed?!

Foot soldier: Sorry, Master Khan, but Karai was-

Khan(Even more angry.): You showed yourself to that traitor Karai?!

Other Foot soldier: She was not alone, there was this blindfolded girl with her, Karai was teaching her ninjutsu!

Khan(Interestedly rubbing his chin.): Interesting. So Karai has an apprentice, you say? We must look into this. (Cut back to Karai and Genuity. They were hurrying home as fast as they could. But eventually Genuity sensed more Foot soldiers coming. So they tensed up for a fight again. The Foot attacked again, with Khan watching from a distance. Karai fought them off, with Genuity every once in a while sending telepathic messages. Khan noted that Karai fought differently than usual, she was more defensive, especially around Genuity. Khan used this to his advantage, by ordering his troops to focus more on the little girl. Genuity said something about how she wished she brought her scythe, because then she could have gotten some practice with it, but she soon found a curved, sharp pole on the ground and used that instead. Then, when Khan decided he'd seen enough, he jumped down into the fight and started helping out. He managed to get a few hits on Karai, and even more on Genuity. They were both separated further from each other. Karai decided that it was getting too dangerous, and she told Genuity to run. She didn't, though. She didn't want to. And she couldn't, anyway, with all those Foot ninjas around. Soon both girls were restrained as Khan began to question them.)

Khan: Karai.

Karai: Khan.

Genuity(Unable to read either of their minds.): Do you two know each other?

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