Season 8 Episode 5 - Hostage

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The turtles were all in the lair, but instead of doing what they normally did, they were helping Master Splinter teach Genuity ninjutsu. She was doing about just as well as someone her age would, or maybe a little better than most. Then Casey ran in.

Casey: The Purple Dragons are at it again! Now they've started kidnapping scientists and stealing chemicals!

Leonardo: Looks like Hun decided to try to cure himself of his mutation.

Genuity(Quietly.): Yeah, poor Hun. (Casey mumbled something about how he could still barely get why she could be sorry for the big lug. Then the turtles and Casey go run off to stop him, Klunk tries to follow and help again but is left behind as usual, and Genuity quietly sneaks out with them. She perched herself under the manhole where they had left under as usual, and the fight waged on overhead. The turtles and Casey somehow managed to release the scientists while making sure they didn't notice them and knock out all save one of Hun's goons and leave them tied up for the police to find and  attempt to explain what had happened. Cut to the Purple Dragon's lair. The last remaining goon had ran all the way there, panting, as he told Hun what had happened. He expected for Hun to be really mad at him, but to his surprise he was pretty lenient and fine about it. He said that they probably wouldn't have been able to cure him anyway, and that the only ones who probably would have been able to were Agent Bishop's people. Then that got him thinking... Cut to later with the turtles back at the lair, where all the turtles were doing what they normally did, and Genuity was reading a book about Brothers Grimm fairy tales alone in a room facing away from the door with a sign taped to the back of her head reading 'do not disturb, I am reading a book with my blindfold off'. Of course she had to take her blindfold off to read. Then she perked up. Her telepathy probed her surroundings beyond the lair. She sensed Hun nearby. Why was he nearby? She couldn't tell that yet. So she slipped on her blindfold, untaped the sign, and left the lair, still holding the book, without anyone paying too much attention. Then all of a sudden, a little bit later, Donnie dropped his tools. The sound made everyone look at him.)

Donatello: Genuity! Hun was there, and she fell over one of the drainage sites! (They all picked up their weapons and ran out the lair. But when they got there, they were too late. Genuity's book was left lying on the floor, and neither Hun nor Genuity was there. Cut to Agent Bishop who was talking to Stockman about analyzing Genuity's blood combined with what they got after the 'sophisticated Mikey' incident and the headway they were making about using it as a basis for mutating people. Then they were interrupted by a call from Hun. And the turtles were also in there too. It was a three-way call. From Hun's end, they could hear some background noises like a fire truck's siren.) Wha- Hun?! And Bishop?!

Bishop: Whose fault is this, and how did you get access to this secure channel?

Hun(Smugly.): I did this, and as to how I got access, never mind that. But now onto my business. (He moved aside from the camera and they could all see Genuity trapped in a chair surrounded by a bunch of Purple Dragon henchmen.)

Bishop(Surprised and angry.): Jenny! Hun, when I find you-!

Raphael: For once I agree with you, Bish!

Hun: She's unharmed. I have a proposal for all of you. Cure me of this mutation, and I'll let her go. And don't say that it's impossible to cure me, Bishop, I know you've got at least a couple of centuries worth of research in those labs of yours. You turtles have an alligator scientist friend, don't you? You're getting him to help on this too. Any questions? (None of them had any questions. Then one of Hun's goons came onto the screen and told him that the Chinese meal that they had ordered had arrived.) Good, now shoo. (Hun turned back to the screen.) Bishop, Send me the coordinates. (Bishop scowled and sent them.) I'll be arriving at your laboratory soon. (Then Hun logged off. Cut to later, the turtles and Leatherhead and Agent Bishop were all glaring at each other in Bishop's lab. Leatherhead was especially glaring at Stockman, who was cowering slightly behind Bishop. The alligator had pretty much hated Stockman even more than he had before after the incident with Donnie's second mutation. Please reference the season 4 episodes Good genes, parts 1 and 2. But they all had to do their jobs for Genuity's sake.)

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