You can see us?

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To say we were all surprised to see each other was an understatement. Well I was surprised but knew that they had been there. Since she had called out to them they knew the mom's could see them which had confused the others because they were adults.

Their jaws were dropped at the sight they saw. All us kids sitting around the table eating breakfast. Jamie and Pippa were taking turns telling us stories as we all listened but Sophie had fallen asleep face down into her full bowl of cereal. And their mothers were giving us food.

My brother and sisters were eating pancakes with Jack and the others while I wasn't really a breakfast food person. Though I was eating right out of the box of cereal I don't like milk in my cereal and it was more like an individual bowl of cereal. Some fruit a couple hard boiled eggs.

I felt bad they had made us all this food but they had asked us what we wanted to eat and offered us what Jamie's mom had and what they could make us. And neither one of them were taking no for an answer. One of them had even made French toast with lots of syrup.

Said what I was eating was what Pippa normally ate for breakfast so we were kind of sharing everything they made. And then they asked who wanted more when we had turned and saw the other guardians but thankfully neither of our parents.

They can see us? Tooth was the first to break the silence as the mom's looked for an answer not sure what to say other than yes they could. So this would need an explanation but in the meantime thanks their shock and funny looks on their faces my siblings and I and Jamie and Pippa couldn't help but start laughing.

The laughter and the purring woke up Sophie. I was always told that when I laugh that sometimes I purr. Though most of what I was is part some kind dog form. So I always found that odd though right now I had my wolf ears whiskers fangs and a cat like tail but per choice.

Though now that it was morning early on I had snapped my fingers and changed outfits (outfit 2) instead of the typical black hoodie and black jeans and black boots I'd been wearing though I was still wearing the black boots and I had the necklace that our dad gave us with my hair pulled back with a spikey headband.

When Sophie woke up she was very excited to see Bunny and he was very happy to see his favorite little human. But in the meantime Tooth was frantic more so than usual chattering happily but quickly to her mini tooth fairies tooth locations as if they could understand a word she was saying.

And boy what a sight to see as Jack and Mary joined the rest of us laughing hysterically just like we did when Bunny found out that Mary was not only the bringer of spring but also Jack's sister. Sandy was setting off pictures that no one could tell what they were of at an alarming rate.

The mom's had gone back into the kitchen to make more food. And the funniest part I thought was when papa North was beginning to speak Russian at all of us though no one except me could understand him and he didn't even realize he was doing it.

It took us several mins to get ourselves together and stop laughing as we were having a hard time breathing and tears of mirth were rolling down our eyes as my brother pulled me to my feet once we had all calmed down. Sophie was asleep again the moms had run out of ingredients so there was no more food being made which was fine with us.

The two other male guardian originals were trying to help North with the English speaking part but once I had calmed down I helped him with the English by speaking Russian. After all I'd had 300 years to be fluent in it. Вы говорите по-русски, попробуйте английский (You're speaking Russian try English.

He seemed to snap out of it after that. but was still surprised and shocked by the fact not just one adult but two can see them. They wondered how it was possible and that was when Jack and I sheepishly raised our hands and said that would be because of us.

It was then Tooth fluttered next to us looking into our eyes between the two of us back and forth as if they held the answer. How? We have never gotten an adult to believe in us let alone more than one. We had them sing us some lullabies. Bunny was very confused.

What are you talking about? Papa North asked us. We talked about the story that Bunny was telling them about the song he was singing that day on the lake. We each have a family lullaby but only people within the family know it and no one outside of it.

Is this some kind riddle mates? What's the point get to it. Bunny pleaded. Well Jamie knows Jack's and Pippa knows ours. Though Jamie only knows one verse and Pippa only knew the chorus. The mom's admitted they knew the whole thing but never sang the whole thing to their children.

We had them sing the last verse to Mrs. Bennet and the rest of the song my dad used to sing to me when we were human to her mom as well and then we told them our full names and how we died. Of course they knew the story. You two really are something not only did you get adults to believe but found some form of descendants. 

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