How did you become this way?

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Was it a curse, or a.... No Jack I'm not cursed. I have no idea how I got to be this way, I was just born this way. Your parents know about it, my parents of course know about it and your sister discovered it a while back ago. I made her promise not to tell. Had it been up to me she would've never found out.

Why didn't you tell me or allow me to know to know? Don't you trust me? Define trust? I questioned. Farrah yes or no do you trust me? Jack I love you. That doesn't answer my question. I can't say yes or no because my answer has multiple answers to it. For the most part yes I trust you, however you do cause a lot of trouble and chaos everywhere you go. Those parts of you I'm not always sure I'm able to trust.

And then yes I trust you personally, but emotions and feelings are a different story. You could say that you'd always love me no matter what happens or what I look like or how I act, but once you find out the truth your mind could change just like that. In a matter of secs. That you want to love me, but are too afraid of me. That you'd be confused by me, not sure what to think of me.

If I were you I would've been scared to see my girlfriend transform in front of my very eyes and not sure what to think about the whole ordeal. I'm part wolf, and fox, and rabbit. I was born this way and I have two different colored eyes that I can't do anything about. I'm scared of me for you. I never wanted either of you to find out.

But your sister says that you've always suspected that there was something up with me and now you know what that something is. And based on your actions from that day with the offering me different food and always wanting to race me and that we do a lot of hunting makes me wonder how long you've known something strange was up with me.

I'm not scared of you Farrah. Why would you think that? Jack look at me! I'm 3 very different creatures, and born this way. I use the special spray this False Mist stuff to hide these features on my person and when it begins to run out the effects disappear faster, but in the morning it refills itself. I use it at least 3 times a day and it doesn't matter if its empty or full or if I'd just used it when it comes to a full moon because I can't stop myself from changing. Turning into this....

I could kill you Jack, I could cause you harm, I'm too dangerous to be around when I'm in my animal form. And it's best that you stay away from me on a full moon at all times because my animal instincts kick into high gear and I'll do something I'll regret, and not remember doing it if I do. Now that you know my secret I'm not safe to be around. Stay away back. I don't want to hurt you, you or Mary.

I'm different. Don't you see?! I can't help myself, it's not something that I can control. I'm a wild animal(s) not some pet to keep around, I'm dangerous Jack you have to stay away from me. No, you're in no way dangerous! I love you. I love you too but you need to leave. I'll unintentionally hurt you. Take your sister and get out of here now. I won't ask again.

Even if your not scared of me I'm scared of me. And if you won't leave then I will. I'll go away to my little bomb like shelter, and stay there as long as I need to. No one was supposed to find out my secret I'm already an outcast because of my eye color. You shouldn't want to be seen with me. I don't care about social status, I care about you Farrah and I'm not going anywhere and I'm not letting you go anywhere.

Jack please go?! Farrah? My eyes widen and my fangs pop out. Go Jack! I growl. It's a double full moon tonight. I need to feed my wolf, fox instincts always take over first. As Farrah and my rabbit part of me yes I am a vegetarian but with the wolf and fox parts of me they want meat. My parents should be home again soon if you're not leaving then hide and don't let any moonlight reflect on me or you'll have to chain me to my bed.

We've learned to be careful and prepare on full moons to keep all doors and windows locked and the curtains closed to make sure there are no reflective surfaces, if I get effected I have to be chained down till the effects aren't as heavy. Sometimes that takes all night. I'm not chaining you to the bed I don't want to hurt you. Then you better make sure I can't see any moon surfaces.

Why do we need to hide? IDK how my parents will feel about either of you knowing my secret. They know I'd be careful not to revile myself. Then it's my own fault for coming over. Quick Jack do it now! I growl as my claws grow out. I won't be held responsible for hurting either one of you. We would never see it that way. It's my fault if we get hurt. Not yours. Once the house is on lockdown no one can leave, you have to stay here tonight.

If you don't come back your mom will think you're probably spending the night you and Mary both. She might be worried about the full moon but it would suggest you know my secret. You're not gonna tell anyone are you? Who would I tell? Jack? I mean it who would believe me even if I did?

Farrah is everything alright in there? All the windows and doors locked? Curtains drawn? Yes mom, yes dad. Can you let us in? Um.... That may be a little difficult at the moment. Slide the newspaper under the door and we'll stick the key into the lock and then poke it out with something thin. We? Jack and Mary came over they discovered my secret.

They come into the room. Good everything's all set up. How did this happen? My bottle of stuff was fading its effects the other day, Mary pointed them out to me. Today I'd sprayed it when I went out but I thought we'd be back before it was time for me to spray it again and last night Jack thought I was acting strange and saw me in my true form. He gave my rabbit part of me a piece offering so that I'd come out of hiding he says they're not afraid of me.

They shouldn't be. But.... I'm a monster a freak of nature! I'm hideous and different and if anyone saw me like this they'd think I was probably a witch and try to burn me! Farrah darling no, you are some kind of strange miracle and your father and I would never let anything bad happen to you. They'd kill you first to be sure of it! I growled.

How do you think that would ever happen? We'd never let that happen you know to stay out of sight. The only people that don't think poorly of you are Jack and his family. They shouldn't think poorly of you just because of your different colored eyes either. I wish I didn't have to hide. Us too baby it's ok. Everything be ok.

But everything was not ok. During the winter that followed Jack, Mary, and I had all gone out ice skating. We'd never been able to do things like this before. Since we never had the shoes for it. But that Christmas we'd gotten them. We'd gone out all wrapped up in our cloaks. Jack had his staff thing with him he'd just finished his chores and Mary always begged us to take her skating but without proper equipment it was hard.

When we got to the ice he'd promised his mother they'd be careful. But no one can predict the unforeseen. Had we known what would've happened that day we would've never gone out but it was too late now. There we all were on the ice, Jack had taken his skates off Mary was on a thin piece of ice. I was next to her on my own thin piece of ice.

Jack the ice is cracking again. I reminded him. I could hear it give its cracking. It will be ok Farrah. He reminded me. It's ok girls it will be like hopscotch like we play everyday. It's ok you're not gonna fall in, neither of you. This will be fun I promise. Jack you are the only person having fun here. Nah come on we're gonna have a little fun instead. You trust me don't you? Of course we do. Come on girls think about it would I trick you? He teases. Yes you always play tricks.

This is just like you Jack. Even when you don't mean to somehow you always put us in danger. I tease back. Danger? Ha I laugh at the face of danger! Danger is my middle name he smirks. Funny in what language is Edward Danger? Now whose the one being funny? He teased back again. Will you stop?! You told your mom we'd be ok. And we will. But first, hopscotch. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

After almost falling but sticking the landing pretending like he was going to fall he gets to safer land and reaches out for his staff. Mary you'll go next. I'll come switch places with you. Jack? I warned. I'll be ok Farrah don't worry. Ready you try. 1, 2, that's it that's it. 3! After switching places with her, the ice cracks again Mary was safe. Farrah are you ready it's your turn?

No I shake my head. I'm scared. All you really have to do is jump. That's too far away I'll slip and fall. One more move and we could both go under. Neither of us can swim Jack. We'll be ok Farrah I'll help you. I can't get wet the effects will fade. That's what I'm counting on. Why? If your effects of the mist fade maybe those instincts will kick in.

You'll be ok, you will be safe Mary is safe. If anything's going to happen I'd rather it happen to me. Don't say things like that Jack! I begged him. After he managed to get me to where Mary was the ice broke again. He fell in. Mary and I both screamed out his name. I went into the water to try and help him. But the water was too cold. The effects began wearing off. Jack was able to push me up at the last sec.

Mary pulled me up. But Jack kept drowning. Mary was in tears. It will be ok Mary we'll go and get help. Jack will be ok. Get on my back. You're all cold and wet she warned. I'm ok Mary. I've got nice warm fur. Hang onto me. She got onto my back and I ran off towards the houses. People poked their heads out and saw me running. They looked to where I was going.

Everyone was surprised to see me. It's that girl with the multi colored eyes! She's kidnapped that little girl! I ran faster and faster. Hang on tight Mary it will be a bumpy ride. I called out for my parents. Mary's parents came and saw me a rope was thrown my way kind of like what would be equivalent to an animal control rope thing. When my parents tried to get in the way they were gunned down and killed.

No! I cried. Mary was taken from me. And handed to her mother. I was carried off and set up at the stake. Where I was whipped and beat, and then they set left me there passed out they decided to put me out of my misery by setting me on fire. We'd came to come get help, but I was seen as a monster. Always been skeptical already because of my different colored eyes.

The moon peeked out over the horizon. They spent so much time causing a fuss with me and killing my family that there was no hope for Jack to be saved. They mourned him. In the spring Mary didn't live long enough to see her 9th birthday she didn't eat or sleep and grew ill and died in the spring before her next birthday would've came.

We were all dead. Mary was left in her room when she died in her ill form. Jack was first he rose out of the lake catching his breath the moon telling him that his name was Jack Frost but he no former memories. He still looked the same he had his cloak white undershirt his brown cut off at the ankles pants and his shepherd staff with a the hook that looked like the letter G at the end of it.

Jack wanted to know more but the moon wouldn't tell him more. When people had passed through him he had taken off. I was next on top of having these abilities that I'd once had before in my previous life that I now knew nothing about I wouldn't know it not yet but I would be able to transform and talk to animals as well. I woke up a voice told me he was the MIM and that my name was Farrah Forest close to my real name.

He told me that someone was coming someone that would see me in a different form, and take me to the place I belong. Where is this place? The North Pole. He whispered as he faded away I didn't hear from him again. This was all just after Jack and his rebirth. On the same day. My form changed I looked the way I would've when I died except just in pure wolf form. With a couple of burn marks.

I heard a rustling in the bushes and the trees. My body was too weak to make itself get up. I looked up and saw a giant rabbit looming over me. Awe the poor pet all burned up. That's no way to treat an animal. Manny what should I do? I sense something special about this one. Bunny North will take care of her, bring her to the North Pole she will be his new daughter. But you will be her best friend.

She's a shapeshifter right now you see her as a wolf but she can shapeshift from wolf, fox, and rabbit and girl. Her name is Farrah Forest. She will also be able to hear and talk with animals. How did she become this way? He asked frowning picking me up and cradling me in his arms. As he held me close. All will be explained at a later date. Now go.

He thumped his foot as he led a trail to the North Pole. He knocked on the door of the workshop. Bunny and friend I have been expecting you. Manny told me I'd be taking her in. He told me what he told you. Shall we summon the other two? Not tonight. Quickly hand her to me you will help me patch her up and clean her up. I see she's all burned up. I will take care of her as if she was my own.

I only wish I knew how she became this way.

She was born this wayWhere stories live. Discover now