What do you mean? What song?

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While Jack and his sister went to go see Jamie me and my siblings went to go see Pippa. We had to know if more people knew the things we grew up with. They were not expecting to see us. Jamie wasn't expecting to see the two of them again so soon and Pippa had no idea we were coming.

But it was better to be invited in than to just move through the shadows. So I used my angel wings to go up to the window. I knocked on the window. Farrah? Hi I called muffled at the window. Wanna let me in? Oh sure. She unlocks the window.

Sure come on in. Not that I'm not happy to see you guys but why are you here? We wanted to know if your mother ever sang you and songs as a kid like some kind of family lullaby. You 4 Pitch's children came all the way from wherever it is that you were for a lullaby?

Hearing it out loud it does sound pretty silly. But we've been thinking about our past lately and how we've been hoping that our linage didn't end with us. Jack and Mary are over at Jamie's doing the same thing. So did she? I asked her. I mean yeah there's this one.

But I only know the beginning of the song. That's ok if it's the song we think it is I'll be more than happy to sing it with you. Once she started singing me and my siblings were happily surprised to hear the same song our parents used to sing to me.

And I picked up where she left off. And as it turned out Jamie knew Jack and Mary's song too but only knew the beginning as well so Jack continued it for him. How do you know that song no one is supposed to know that song it's been passed on from generation to generation in our family.

No one is supposed to know that song. She said. And Jamie claimed the same thing but while he went ignored until Jack finished but then we told them about that letter. And they wondered what that had to do with them until we said the last name.

They were both happily surprised that they were somehow related to us. Though of course not direct descendants of say myself or Jack and Mary because we all died as children so we didn't have direct relatives Jack and I would know if we'd had our own children.

Since there wouldn't had been a way for adoption or an option not to have your own kids back in that time. As if our father would've let us have children. The only way I couldn't possibly is if I was physically incapable and then we would find a child in the woods and take them in there's always a lost someone in the woods.

These days there's magic and adoption and we can use our powers. But I'd sure like to be married first before having my own family in any fashion even if it with Jack we will always be teenagers we can't grow up. And hopefully someday we'll find away to make dad un corrupted.

Even back in the day he liked me and Jack together and even now he's ok with it. When I go out to meet with him my brother and father followed after me until he would get there make sure I was safe and that Jack got there and wouldn't eventually be scared away.

Thankfully my boyfriend doesn't scare easily. Though where they were and talking about the song it had all been true. And Jack didn't like the last verse so much that it reminded him too much about how he died like that he had in fact been a savior.

And even at one point or another saved us from wolves. Though I was not afraid. Jack had thought I was crazy but they cuddled up to me and acted like big friendly dogs and now I have 3 siblings that do that as well. Jack once caught Bunny in a snare but as scared as I was of him I let him go.

But tif you weren't all related to us how else would you had known our family lullaby? Now that I know the whole thing can we sing it again? She asked while Jamie asked Jack the same thing. Jack closed his eyes while he sang as the leader but we slowly danced around the room.

You know you said something really interesting just then. She spoke up while Jamie also questioned this. How Jack caught Bunny in a snare but you set him free? Yeah and I'm sure he'd do it again if he could I chuckled while Jack agreed with Jamie.

Though IDK if I'd set him free again then again I was often caught victim in Jack's traps by accident but I'm clumsy and it was usually my tail that set it off. Why were you afraid of the guardians? She asked me. I still kind of am.

But back then my father taught me to be afraid he had someone hide me off the radar so they couldn't find me he was worried that they'd take me away if they knew I existed if they knew Pitch Black was still alive. He didn't have a way to protect me then.

But he does now. And I still fear them a little I chose my father over someone who had me for 300+ years before I knew there was someone else. But they only care about people when they need them. Those in their inner circle.

And they only know about us if the moon lets them. He's the real enemy here not our father. The guardians are just ignorant and naïve. But the moon is basically our G-D. Our father was his friend he took care of him and protected him but the moment he let grief take over he didn't change him back.

While we were here Jack was asking Jamie if he had any rope they had planned to catch Bunny again. Jamie asked if he was gonna recruit me to help them. I sure would like to but she's very warry of the guardians grew up that way and now feels guilty for being a part of her biological family.

While they planned and we talked Mary rolled her eyes at the boys planning their next prank but we all jumped when the parents came in to tell their children it was time to go to bed. And then they told their mother's we were related to them. All they had to say was that was nice.

But then they mentioned we knew the song they used to sing that we knew all of it. So they played their little game. Jamie sang the song for them guided by Jack especially on that last verse and she was surprised at hearing this. Their parents asked how they knew that.

But they kept saying how we were related to them and they wanted the truth. Since they wouldn't believe us we told them to tell their parents what our full names were and how we died maybe they would believe us now.  

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