Not expecting that

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Jack began to comfort her right away he told her it was not her fault wanted to know what she was talking about. This was horrifying to Jack that his little sister and his girlfriend felt it was their fault well our fault that he died. She above any of us shouldn't feel guilty about Jack's death.

If I would never had asked you to take us skating that day you never would've died. There was so much arguing and with Bunny and I could hear it all he got a headache while I felt sad all but curling myself up in a ball whimpering. It was then Bunny decided he'd heard too much and called all 4 of us out on it.

Me?! I asked him. Yes you too as well Shelia. Why me? Because that's all you have to say for yourself why me?! You are not a monster you are not evil you are not your father none of you. You are just as much North's daughter that you are Pitch's. AS for your siblings you have given us no reason not to trust you.

Now I understand why you 4 may not feel safe around us at least not right now given that we are just now hearing about you 3 and that Farrah you feel like you betrayed us in some fashion and you did no such thing. Y'all make some pretty good points we didn't see much of each other until Jack came along and we don't seek out those not in our inner circle.

We're working on it. We already knew what Jack was like when he came to us but we didn't know the full truth though neither did he at the time. And we knew bits and pieces of the truth with you and you were a blank slate we knew nothing about you. We knew but never said anything that there was something missing. A connection.

We always loved you like you were one of us but something was holding you back always. Something just wasn't there. We all felt it but didn't want to hurt you or push you away and felt if we let it go it would never come up but you've felt it more recently in these last 4 years than the last 300 years. If we don't talk about it it doesn't exist.

Pitch was out of the way for 300 years we thought he was gone when really he was playing happy family for 15/16 years. You are a daddy's girl we see that. But we would never hurt you or your siblings even if you're not one of us anymore or you don't take the oath but you are more like your mom than you are you're dad you see the good in everyone you can transform into anything including an angel.

You're not scary you're special. Different is not a bad thing. None of us look exactly alike and we're from all over the world. As for the 4 of you as a whole he now gestures to me North Jack and Mary. I'm sick of you feeling sorry for yourselves you need to stop thinking about the past what's done is done there's nothing you can do to change it you're here now and that's all that matters.

Everything was calm and silent for a moment no one said anything as we took in what Bunny said. But Jack turned to the two of us and begged us made promise not to blame ourselves again for his death that he gave up his life to save her and knew there was nothing I could've done to save him whether or not I was part animal or fully human. While we agreed to this we still attempted to apologize.

I love you whether you're human or part animal or you're North's daughter or Pitch's daughter I will always love you no matter what he wrapped an arm around me a kiss on the forehead as the two of us nuzzled into him. It was quiet all around and it was then this moment dad decided that be a better host. Cookies and milk anyone? He asked us.

You know I'm always up for that. Same with Jack and my siblings we all have a sweet tooth despite Tooth's scolding's about us eating sugar but it doesn't really matter we can't get cavities. Sandy suggested eggnog but I'm not really a fan of it and neither is Bunny. He was never a fan of it to begin with but after a prank Jack pulled and he told me about it later one of the times we met up. So now Bunny just stays away from it entirely. But it's all fun and games until.... Well that's a story for different day.   

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