We're too late!

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Jack had told me to leave and so I went to go find the others, but it looked clear that something was obviously wrong. My dad looked half asleep and was having a hard time steering the sleigh as I floated along the wing before sprouting wings and flying up to them as fast as I could. Dad?! I called.

I watched him jolt awake and gain better control of the sleigh everyone was more or less still asleep. And I put a hand over my mouth at the ridiculous position that Bunny had been in. Snoring away. As my nose and ears twitched. I could feel my hat trying to pop off as I shut my eyes and focused on my powers trying to transform myself into a human.

But curse the full moon and it's effect on me! They were all startled awake and tried to fly to help Sandy and Jack but.... On the battlefield they look up and see me and the sleigh overhead. Sandy takes Jack as he uses his sand to fly up like a water spout before throwing Jack aside trying to protect him and keep him out of the fight.

Luckily I was in position for the catch. Hey, I grinned. Hi he chuckled. Nice catch, although I think it's supposed to be the other way around the guy normally catches the girl in his arms, but thanks. He lands inside the sleigh feet first and in a split sec I sense Bunny roll his eyes. As we then all look up at Sandy fighting Pitch.

Everyone was fighting side beside trying to get rid of the nightmares except Onyx and his sisters who just stayed out of the way and had retreated back home to their mother who didn't like this violence as much as they did. Since aside from looks they took after their mother seeing the good in everyone and not wanting to be evil.

Bunny starts flying the sleigh after cutting some to pieces with his knife and dad was fighting them off with his swords. Bunny throws his boomerang at a couple of nightmares and meanwhile Jack is being chased by two others but jumps down to avoid getting hit and back into the sleigh so that they would smash into each other. Ya both might want to duck.

Bunny warns us as we follow instruction as the boomerang comes back around slicing apart a few other nightmares however, Sandy is on his cloud alone facing Pitch himself. But while his back is turned and we are racing to help Sandy Pitch uses a bow and arrow to shoot him between the shoulder blades and Sandy stands stiff as black starts to corrupt him.

Dad can not believe his eyes. Jack had flown out of the sleigh with me chasing after him wings and all as we flew towards Sandy but we were too late. Sandy was being consumed by the darkness and he was accepting his fate. I'd say sweet dreams but there aren't any left! We hear Pitch laugh evilly before he turns to Jack and I now that Sandy was gone.

A flood of nightmares comes towards us but with our combined powers Jack uses his ice powers and there's a big burst of blue and my own powers a mix of blue, purple, and green and fluttering butterflies, it pushes at Pitch and his hurt and his confusion as the last thing he sees is my eyes doing this magic spin shimmer thing as they turn a strange gold color for a sec leaving Pitch speechless and defenseless.

But Jack and I are weak and powerless after using up all the power. Luckily I have just enough power left to fly down after him catching his staff in the freefall and catching him putting him down in the sleigh again before giving him back his staff as Tooth crowds us. Jack Farrah how did you guys do that? She asks us. I-we didn't know that we could. Jack says weakly. Who cares how we did it I whine groggily....

Did you see the hurt, the confusion the speechlessness on Pitch's face when we did? I don't think that was about the two of you or your powers I think it was you Farrah. He's looked at you guys with a familiar glance ever since he met you and you met his eldest it sounds like. Yeah, we know Onyx and his sisters. Tooth watched my eyes as they shimmered a gold color again as she *gasped*

What's wrong Tooth? I asked her. It's true. She whispers. No wonder the resemblance.... But how? She mutters. What Tooth what is it? No, I can't be too sure she bites her thumb in worry turning away pacing about the small space of the sleigh. Her wings fluttering an unnatural speed. Tooth what is wrong Sheila? Bunny places his paws on her shoulders. It could be nothing but Philp.... Pitch he said as long as he could remember Fiona Blackwell has always been his wife and that she went by Flicker.

And Farrah's birth certificate from her old life.... No, no I can't think about that right now. She shakes her head we have to go back to the North Pole and have Sandy's funeral. That's what we should be focused on now she rubs her arms frowning. When we get back I hurry to room and lock the door removing my extra clothing. Jack has his hood drawn up over his head using his powers to draw Sandy on the window.

After the others had, had the ceremony as I could hear the jingle of bells from the elves ringing I couldn't stop thinking about what Tooth said. I decided to put the pieces together as I sat on my bed luckily I was locked up in it. Cause not only did I look like myself again but I looked in the mirror at my reflection I saw my eyes shimmer a gold color and then an image of Pitch and his family and a little bit of evil laughter. As I jumped back and rubbed my eyes. I then saw my eyes turn brown and my skin look less pale than it was now. I saw a man that looked like Pitch but less grey skin and a women next to him and they were happy.

I saw the girl in front of them shift into different animals that looked just like my natural form. I reached out for the image in longing as Onyx's voice and words rang in the back of my head of him saying how he was only not evil to his family that he was good to his family. Then to Pitch himself thinking Jack, Mary Springs and I look familiar to him but he wasn't sure why, the fact that he remembers the False Mist but haven't seen it in 300 years which was Jack and I's time from whatever past life we had.

The sad longing look on his face when he looks at me the fact that he seemed to not what to hurt me or really even Jack but to Pitch after he had landed he was happy to know that someone knew how to have a bit of fun before frowning in confusion confused at the way my eyes shimmered and sparkled to look like his own. I watched as when I reached out the whole image changed.

Fiona? He called coming back down into their home as the summer spirit approached. Philp? She asked him. He smiled at her, they were alone. That girl Farrah and Jack Frost, also Mary Springs. He frowned and paused. What about them dear?
She asks him placing a comforting touch on his shoulder. They look familiar to me from our past. But I'm unsure why. I know that when we died and that I became the nightmare king again that Manny told me that we would forget a piece of our past some important piece but would remember each other which is partially one of the main reasons why I wanted the teeth in the first place.

To figure out the missing piece even if I had to go through every single last one of them. Since I don't have a list of their names or their time periods that's part of Tooth's domain. A daughter perhaps, and some friends we grew up having in our past. Same names maybe of Jack and Mary. But Farrah Clause Farrah Forest there's something about her, and I want her. I must figure out the other piece if she is here in our home she will come to no harm I just need her in my presence.

Not even the boy shall come to any real harm if for no other reason because they are some kind of familiar to me. What is that sense? I *gasp* whose there? He calls looking around. It feels like a mirror spell. Does anything look out of place to you? He asks his wife. Blast it! If the spell was strong enough I could communicate with whoever was otherwise probably unintentionally spying on us. I look at the mirror it fades back to my room to my reflection but my hair turns black, my skin turns a light grey and my eyes turn gold. I scream.

Meanwhile.... Dad has gone over to Jack sitting by him talking to him about Sandy. He felt bad that he couldn't do anything to save him. Jack you and Farrah stood up to Pitch! But Sandy.... Jack frowned. Would be proud of what you guys did. Jack stands and pulls his hood down. Look Jack IDK who you were in your past but in this life you and my daughter are guardians. How can we find out who we are if we have no idea who were?

You will, I can feel it in my belly. They look up at the globe and see the lights dimming. Look at how fast they're all going out. It's fear, he's tipped the balance. Jack says. After that my scream is heard. Bunny cringes and Jack frowns. Bunny makes his way to the kitchen a soothing snack always seemed to calm me down and I much preferred vegies and fruit to meat even if most of my combined creature would eat meat.

Jack flies as fast as he can to my room with Bunny following close by. Dad and Tooth have also left in a hurry to my room. Jack gets there first. Farrah are you ok? I hear Jack's voice and hide in the shadows. Surely enough that's something I can do literally which scares me even more. Jack? I question. Yeah, it's me. Are you ok? He asks again. He presses his ear against the door. I look at myself and at the door.

Yeah, sorry the mirror fell over and broke.... Which was true.... Are you hurt? He asks me. I look at myself and see some cuts on my arms and feet, a piece of glass sticking out of my ear. 'm fine frostbite just get my dad for me ok? Can I help? Actually you know what? Yes, go find the first aid kit it's in the bathroom and bring it back here. Luckily I heard fast movement of steps coming towards my room. And smelled the familiar scents of the other 3.

Once I knew Jack was gone I came out of hiding and into my usual form. I scratched the door and they came in. Bunny handed me the plate of carrots as I got down on the floor and sat and ate them. On a full moon I reverted to full animal form instead of anamorphic form where I could stand on two legs instead down on all 4s. My dad asked me what happened and I told them what I heard and saw.

Pitch is evil.... And now after putting the pieces together that I-I I'm his original daughter aren't I? I look to Tooth as tears roll down my now furry face soaking my fear in wet liquid. No Shelia just because you might be his daughter doesn't make you anything like him. That is possibly probably your past life that you have no memory of but we can't be sure without the teeth. Bunny places a paw on my shoulder. In this form I'm kind of just like Bunny and in this form my dad is the only real one that wears any kind of clothing.

I'm kind of like a mermaid I guess that way. In the water in mermaid form the clothes disappear and they have tails. I'm used to this form or any of my animal forms and I know my clothes come back when I transform into my human form again when its not a full moon and if I use my spray. I really only use it around people I don't want knowing my secret. I know not to think of my animal or natural form as being naked fur is like clothing. Otherwise it be like we were all naked aside from my dad, and that would be wrong on so many levels.

But in 300 years of my life I don't have enough power to be any animal I want when it's a full moon if I was believed in I would have more power. I could transform at will. I can on a full moon as long as I'm in an animal form when I start or if the moon hasn't shown on me as long as the light doesn't touch me on a full moon I'm fine and if I'm not I cover myself. Like I did tonight. Jack comes back and knocks on the door. Farrah? Are you ok in there? He asks.

'm fine Jack my dad will grab the supplies from you. The door opens slightly and he looks around for me dad takes the first aid kit from Jack as the door closes. We'll be right out. He tells Jack we just need to get Farrah all fixed up. Thank you. I get handed the supplies and I fix myself up as if its second nature to me. He's gonna find out Sheila. Jack is one of us. My dad reminds him and if it weren't for that spell Pitch would be here right now.

Tooth and I look between each other. I know Jack is listening so I talk quietly. We tell the others what Tooth and I decided as Jack presses his ear even harder at the door. I know but as long as I've known him the last 50 years give or take and that in those last 50 years he got the hoodie to begin with when I made it for him one of the first times we met I'm still scared. It's like in that movie I watch a lot of Shrek. That makes me Fiona. By day one way by night another.

During the day I can look as beautiful as a princess but by night I'm this by full moon this is what I look like and when the mist wears off. For 300 + years and I only know about the last 300. And Tooth and I have talked about this before but his opinion on me is the only opinion that matters because I.... I supposedly love him. I've never been in love in this part of my life and I don't want Jack taking one look at me and thinking I look like some kind of monster. Or for you guys to run away from me because I would be Pitch's real daughter.

After I stopped whispering, through my sobs Jack could hear what I'd said, and had been listening. We knew he hadn't left. Farrah, I would never think that of you. He calls on the other side of the door. Because I think I love you too. I've never been in love in the last 300 years but in the last 50 years and if this feeling is being in love then it was love at first sight. Really? I try to wipe my tears away. Would I lie to you Snowflake? No I shake my head not that he can tell. I play pranks and jokes and tricks but I'm not a liar.

In the time we've known each other have I ever once lied to you? No. I shiver out my answer. That's right. Now please can you let me come in? Not tonight Jack I'm too emotional right now. In fact the others are coming out but thanks for the help. You're welcome I'll always be here for you.

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