We meet again

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Left central incisor knocked out by a freak sledding accident. Wonder how that could've happened Jack? She smiles turning over to look at him. Then he laughs. Kids huh? I stare up at the picture reaching my hand out and touch the picture. Then look down at my nails since the gloves are fingerless. Tooth shakes her head teasingly at him before flipping the quarter in her hand and slipping it under the pillow.

At seeing her react to him I give a little laugh then feel my fangs and shut myself up. Jack gives me this confused look. Then comforts Tooth when she wraps her arms around herself frowning down at the little boy. This was the part I always loved the most seeing the kids. Why did I ever stop she asks more to herself than to us.

It's a little different up close isn't it? He asks her. Thanks for being here Farrah Jack I wish I'd known about your memories I could've helped you. Yeah, well let's just get you taken care of then its Pitch's turn. Then we turn around and see North trying to come in through the window. Ah there you are. What gives slowpokes? He asks as I help him into the room. And move out of the way as he rolls in.

How are you feeling Toothy? He asks her. Believed in she tells him. Sandy came with dad so Bunny was last. Oh I see how it is all working together to make sure the rabbit gets last place. Hey bestie he winks at me. I roll my eyes. Jack glares at him making me laugh but this time that I cover my mouth isn't to keep from laughing its from keeping Jack from seeing my teeth.

Do I sense a hint of jealousy Jack? I ask him crossing my arms and lifting an eyebrow. My hat couldn't cover too much I just hoped that my hat would keep my ears laying flat. But there was nothing I could do for my eyes when they started changing shape or when I felt whiskers start to form on my face but I wrapped my face with a scarf and slid glasses on my eyes that were made specifically for the evening.

My animal senses were going crazy because of the dog in the room. So that didn't help my problem. After Jack had been somewhat offended by me even mentioning him being jealous even if he was Bunny knew I didn't feel that way for him and he didn't feel that way towards me. I knew he was doing it just to annoy Jack. Who had showed restrain enough not to freeze him this time.

And Bunny knew it too. Jack had then turned to Bunny with his little bag of teeth in his hand from their little race asking him if he thought he needed help to beat a bunny but his bag was nothing compared to Bunny's which was nothing compared to my dad's and then we all stood still when there was light on us and Jamie was awake.

Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, Sandman and the Tooth Fairy I knew you'd be here. Surprise we came she told him. He can see us. Jack asked with hope. Jack? I frowned. He tried to turn towards me but I looked away he would've asked me why I had a scarf over my face. T: If I can shape shift into any animal maybe I can shapeshift into a human. Worth a try. Transform, transform, transform. I normally feel this tingly feeling when I transform fully into my animal form and I could feel it and hope it was working.

But they had bigger problems with Jamie still being awake and Sandy made a ball of his sand and then I turned afraid again when I heard a dog growling. I was part wolf so that shouldn't bother me but dogs hunted rabbits and foxes. And because Jamie's dog Abby was a Greyhound. Jack made it very clear that he thought Abby wanted to attack him and rip him to shreds.

That's a Greyhound do you know what Greyhounds do to rabbits? Jack tried so hard not to laugh. As he pulled me closer to him. And I hid behind his back watching the dog. Then she turned to me and growled a little at me before making a dog whining noise and cocking her head in confusion at me. Get down Abby that's the Easter Bunny Jamie had said to Abby when she was barking at Bunny then at me and since Jamie couldn't see me I felt hurt when he thought Abby was barking at nothing.

Then she whimpered at me to me wolves were really more or less just big dogs and I had the blood of every animal in me and was able to transform into any animal I pleased hopefully also into a human but the fact she growling at me made me think otherwise darn it, it didn't work and if it had then it had for a very brief moment. She yipped at me while Bunny and Jack were discussing that she had never met someone like Bunny before. They looked over at me watched as she barked happily and wagged her tail.

Well I'm sure there must be something there if you think so Abby dogs have always been able to see spirits. Even if I can't. He shrugs. Bunny was saying he was 6'1 and had nerves of steel and was master of Tai Chi but at that Jack instead of freezing him decided to retaliate from earlier by pressing on the alarm clock making Abby change course and go after Bunny as he jumped around the room screaming about the dog being rabid.

And Sandy's ball of dream sand had bounced around and it came to me and I had used my claws to bat the ball in the other direction but now all I wanted to do was chase after it like a cat following a ball of yarn. But I restrained myself. It bounced off of me hit Abby and Bunny and Tooth and even North before Sandy caught the flying out of bed Jamie and nodding his head at him before putting him to sleep back in bed.

North and Bunny's dreams mixed and there were dancing carrots with candy canes. Jack and I laughed and we locked eyes and I turned away while he turned to Sandy and Sandy gave him this really look when Jack wished he'd had a camera to catch this moment on film. Possibly for blackmail. But luckily for Bunny he didn't.

But there was a storm outside now where Jack saw nightmare horses. Since there was only 3 of us left we decided to go fight Pitch ourselves. Come on Farrah, Sandy we can find Pitch. After we leave Sophie comes in and crawls over North but trips making his snow globe fall out of his pocket she turns to Bunny and smiles laughing.... Bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Then the portal opens to the careful warren and she goes inside. Outside Sandy and I follow Jack and he shoots one of the nightmare horses on the roof and I follow after him. I got it Sandy look. Jack I tell him. That's not just a nightmare horse. *Ug* I hear it grown before it shapeshifts and I lower my hand down and help him up. Jack he groans rubbing his shoulder. Onyx? Jack questions.

Sorry. I thought you were a nightmare horse. I am. He groans in pain. I'm a shapeshifter. Why are you working for Pitch? He asks him. Long complicated story. He rubs and hand behind his neck. But that doesn't matter nightmare horse or not he looks around making sure Pitch isn't there. You know I'm not evil. He looks just like you. I point out. You're Farrah Forest right? He asks me.

You look like my sister Nightshade. Pitch says he thinks you and Jack and Mary Springs look familiar to him and she looks familiar to me too like my little sister Poison. How are you guys doing these days? Jack asks leaning against his staff. Been better actually. You're lucky he tells me you're the only one out there that can't be given nightmares by Pitch because of your necklace he points.

Well isn't this a nice welcome? Frost, Forest, Onyx. I cling to Jack's arm. He can't hurt you Farr's he whispers as I cling to his sleeve. He grunts in pain as my claws dig in. Ease up please? Sorry. Geez are those nails or claws? That's not funny. I shake my head. She hasn't told you? Pitch laughs. Tell me what? Not my story to tell he tsks. But I see you two are already good friends.

Sure Onyx and his sisters are my best friends next to Farrah. I've just known them longer than her as far as I know but I feel like I've known her longer. I could say the same about you and Farrah as well. You can almost see a sad look in Pitch's eyes. Pitch laughs again. Yet you had no idea that he was a shapeshifter? No but it doesn't bother me. He shakes his head. There's nothing you can say that would change my mind.

Onyx rubs his arm nervously. Jack there's something you should really know about me and my sisters. I was afraid you'd be scared after knowing the truth so I didn't tell you but me and my sisters, we're his children. But our mother is Flicker the summer spirit. Flicker? I question. Fiona Blackwell? I question.

Where did you hear that name? Pitch asked me. Tooth found my birth certificate it was my mother's name in my past life that I don't remember. And Philp something last name unknown. Well Flicker has been my wife for as long as I can remember and for 300 years before now and about 16-18 years before that even around late 1600s I wasn't like this after I met her maybe before that because she was a teenager or even in her 20s when we first met after the moon made me mortal.

But she had seen me more than a villain and believed in me I haven't been believed in, the last 3 centuries at least. But that would've been 300 years ago back in the 1600s well late 1600s early 1700s and then the date 1697 sticks out to me but IDK why and then 1712. What I do remember was someone that looked like Jack and that looked like Mary Springs and Farrah Forest. It was all sinking into me and a piece of me believed he wasn't really all that evil.

But still Jack wasn't scared or angry with Onyx or his sisters he understood the reason. It doesn't change anything I'm not scared. But you know either way children for a couple of neutral parties you two seem to spend a lot of time with those weirdos. This isn't your fight Jack Farrah. You made it our fight when you stole those teeth. Teeth? Why should either of you care about the teeth?

Then Sandy comes and joins us. Onyx come transform. Onyx? Jack questions. I'm sorry Jack I have no choice he is still my dad and evil or not we're the only thing he loves. He's only good to his family. Whether you believe it or not. He transforms back to his horse form and his eyes look sad. I can tell that he doesn't want to do this. This is who I am looking for. He tells Sandy.

Sandy takes out his sand whips and hits him to the ground we all move to the ground. Remind me not to get on your bad side. Jack smirks at him. Ok, I get you can't blame me for trying really Sandy you don't know what it's like to feel weak and hated. It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So I'll tell you what you can have them back! He smirks evilly and nightmares come out.

Onyx go get your sisters and go back to the house! T: I'm sorry Jack. He seems to frown before disappearing into nothing. Onyx?! Jack asks as he disappears leaving sand behind as the only sight he was there to begin with. He says he's sorry Jack. I place a hand on his shoulder. Farrah go and find the other guardians Sandy and I can handle it go. I fly off.

You take ones on the left I'll take the ones on the right? He asks Sandy.

She was born this wayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя