Cool story tell it again

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So, there I sat next to Jamie. So what's your name? That is also kind of complicated. It's Farrah Black. What's so complicated about that? Well you see Jamie about 300 years ago when Jack and I were human we lived in this town there's a statue in the square of him and his family they founded the town. I was born abnormal. I was born as a shapeshifter but I couldn't shape shift until I became a spirit. I am naturally part fox, rabbit and wolf. But I use this stuff called False Mist to make me look human. I also have one green eye and one blue eye I have to wear contacts to cover the different colored eye.

Jack was my best friend. For a long time Jack and his sister didn't know my secret. I was fast and jumped high and loved to hunt. But I could never make up my mind on what I wanted to eat. Your dog loves me. You've met Abby? Yeah kind of we all were there when you saw the guardians but not Jack and I. I have fur on me and whiskers and fangs and claws. But now I can transform into anything unless its a full moon then my mist doesn't work. I've always been this way. On full moons for the last 300 years and before then I would get chained to my bed so I wouldn't hurt anyone.

The guardians tell the story that for those 300 years Pitch Black wasn't a problem. I'll tell you why. When he was defeated last time he became human. There was a woman named Fiona but everyone called her Flicker. Her name was Fiona Blackwell. She saw good in things that were bad. Things like human Pitch Black. Believed in everything. She fell in love with him. He had the one thing he wanted. Love to be believed in as he longed for a family. He was seen. They had a child. Farrah Jade Blackwell. Me. As we got older Jack and I were together. They found out my secret. So what happened? We went ice skating one day. We promised his mom we'd be careful. We were not as careful as we thought. Jack saved his sister and I. I tried to save him since he fell through the ice. But the water was too cold and we can't swim. I was in my animal form with Mary on my back.

We ran to go get help. Oh good. Jamie nodded. No wrong not good. See people saw me as a monster. I had a ring around my neck when people caught me like what is known now as animal control. They took her away pushed my parents to the back. They put me on a stake and burned me. My parents were shot down. The moon Manny he warned them that where they wouldn't forget each other but they would forget someone important to them. Me. Pitch wasn't always evil he once worked for the man in the moon when he was a baby. The nightmare creatures made him evil. He had a daughter her name was Katherine she died young. The fearlings tugged on his heart strings while he was watching them and they consumed and corrupted him.

Bunny found me the moon told the Easter Bunny to be my best friend. Since I was also an animal. I have bunny ears and a fox tail as well. Can you show me? Why do you hide behind these clothes? Because I'm afraid of what people will think of me when they see the real me. I'd be like the Easter Bunny but on all 4s. North aka Santa Clause was told to be my father. Pitch Black and Flicker who is now the summer spirit they had 3 kids during those last 300 years. Onyx his oldest looks like Jack Nightshade looks like me and supposedly his youngest looks like Mary Springs. They are not evil and he's nice to his family he claims he stole the teeth to find the missing piece me. Anytime I looked into the mirror my skin was tainted grey my eyes turn golden and my hair goes black. I recently saw my memories. He is a good father. He just wants what everyone else wants. Jack is friends with his kids.

But you see we got into an argument. What kind of argument? Well I told you he was my boyfriend. Yeah? We didn't remember that till recent. I got upset and scared when they were fighting. And accidently knocked Jack down the cliff. I wanted to go help the fairies in the lair and told Jack we could get there by the shadows but he didn't take my hand. He wouldn't follow me he says he loves me but I don't think he trusts me. So, I left him a note in the lair and he knows where to find me if he loves and trusts me. How does he know? I had this feeling that he was gonna go save the fairies. And in each home we have a globe that shows where all the believers are and you're our last one. But as upset I'm at with him right now he deserves to be believed in. Pitch showed me what it would look like if I was there when Bunny got walked through on Easter.

People stopped believing in him. But you know there is something Pitch said that is true. What's that? You see Jack was all alone for 300 years unseen unheard not believed in all alone. And had I not had the guardians I would've been too. I still am unseen by humans except you now. They only cared when Bunny stopped being believed in. They wanted Jack as a guardian because the moon said so no matter how much of a troublemaker he is. But they wouldn't care if he was stuck out there in a hole because he "ruined" Easter by not having Baby Tooth with him after going to Pitch's lair. You see he tricked him played his memories for him and Pitch more or less pushed Jack out and kept Baby Tooth he was trapped outside into Bunny's Warren with his teeth of memories so when he saw the guardians they thought he was like siding with Pitch or something. They turned him away. Pitch showed me an AU if I'd been there too that they would've been scared of me after finding out that I was his daughter.

If he was a guardian they would've just said he made a mistake. But because he hasn't taken the oath they turned him away. They only care about the people in their circle. And Pitch because he's their villain. But the rest of us spirits we're invisible because we're not believed in. Oh I guess that makes sense I think I understand. Jamie who are you talking to? His mother asked him. Santa Claus's daughter/the Boogie Man's daughter and Jack Frost. He questioned although said with a hint of confidence. Ok his mother chuckled. Can you show me what you look like now? Alright if you're sure. I take my hat and scarf off my ears popped out I take off my extra clothes. Well this is me. I told him. I think you're beautiful you're one of a kind that's for sure. Thank you Jamie. And you can transform into anything? Yep except fully human except with my False Mist. So I spray my mist and back I went. I folded the extra clothes and put them in my backpack. Can I see you in your other form? My what? In your normal human form. What you look like as Pitch's daughter. There's a mirror over there.

Watch. I told him. I looked into the mirror and watched carefully and slowly as my hair turned to Ebony my eyes turned golden and my pale skin had a tint of grey. You're beautiful. He dropped his jaw. You should just stay like that. You think. I think so. Another voice said. I love this look on you. Before I could say anything else he swooped in and kissed me. And it snowed again in Jamie's room. You must be Jack Frost. You got him to believe in me? He thought I was you because I made him believe again in the others and then he was very confused about who I was and I told him the story. You told him our story? I guess I did. You love me again? I asked him. I never stopped his swept my hair to the side as he kissed me again. And leaned his hands down to interlock our fingers. Not that I'm not loving this but my room is gonna be covered in ice and snow like a blizzard in here if you two don't stop kissing although it would be proof enough to my mom that you guys really do exist. Exist?! We gotta go! Come on Jamie!

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