Don't worry

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Back the North Pole wind came in from somewhere and that wind that we left behind when we left was causing chaos. Eleves were underfoot they were screaming and annoying everyone and the yetis were using their yeti language that no one understood.

Tooth and her fairies were having a hard time flying though not sure why considering they have to work against weather when they go somewhere Bunny was still frozen to the ground still trying to hack off the ice and no one was any help at all once so ever.

Sandy's sand had been tossed around out of control the wind wasn't even anywhere near them we had exited through Jack's bedroom but it was also colder in there than usual. Sand had hit some wondering elves while North tripped on others.

Phil was gone out of the room for a spot of tea and came back to the room in chaos and also had known he would be the one asked to clean it up. He went to go figure out where the wind was coming from and closed the window we had gone out of.

Then he proceeded to lift an eyebrow at them when he returned to the main hall. This had to have been some sight they were. Fighting my father but not standing up against some wind? Not even coming from the main door or window but North's excuse was the elves.

How it wasn't his fault that they were always underfoot. Right then where are the teenagers? He asked looking around he wanted to talk to us about something mainly Jack and myself. But since had no idea and we come and go as we please they felt we would be fine.

He hoped we would return by morning. We don't have places to be we could be anywhere in the world and I could've gone home. My parents were also worried by this point as well but as long someone checked in with one of them and we weren't afraid we were fine.

Onyx had mirror phoned dad that morning told them we were fine and not to ask questions. The guardians were worried when we hadn't come back in the morning as they thought we would. But had thought last night we were safe since we were together.

While they were worried despite Jack and Mary had been alone for 300 years it seemed they were worried now but knew if there was trouble we all had each other that we were a team. That we were kind of the next generation guardians give or take.

They knew we could look out for ourselves but even Bunny who had spent the night frozen still to the ground all night long and freezing was now caught caring for us and worried about where we were. Sandy was the only one that knew where we went but no one had listened.

Sandy had been trying to get their attention for hours but since he didn't speak it was difficult and the only way to get what he wanted was by shaking a jingling elf which he didn't really want to do but there was no other way he showed them images of Jamie and Pippa.

And when they saw we were ok they didn't just carry on they decided to come looking us wanted to get everyone to the sleigh. But while they had all slept nicely in his guest rooms Bunny was chipping away at the ice was gonna kill Jack when he got his hands on him.

The others helped him finish getting out of the rest of the ice this took between half an hour and a good hour getting free another 10 15 mins trying to get Bunny into the sleigh resulting in tying him up and it was 8:30 9:00 am when they came looking for us.

They eventually had to give Bunny a sedative via Sandy's dream sand since he was freaking out and almost kicked one of the tooth fairies. I would've loved to have seen such a sight. When they got to the house you would think you would notice if someone was up on your roof.

North saw it was safe to go down the chimney but Tooth didn't want soot on her so the others looked for a different way in. They saw no one at Pippa's house so they knew we were at Jamie's. Wasn't North supposed to be basically all knowing? Didn't he tell Jack he had eyes on the back of his head when came to him?

I could smell them I knew they were there. Bunny had entered the window from Jamie's open window he left open for Jack and the others went in that way. I was always on high alert when the guardians were around. At least it felt that way since I found out the truth.

North got lost somehow and because I told them I knew they were there the mom's ended up calling them down to us. We're in here came their voices. They were surprised by someone knowing they were there but were even more surprised by the sight they saw in front of them. 

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