Good will always prevail

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The children and the guardians charged into battle against the nightmares. When we were battling at first North was on the wrong roof and Tooth was helping Jack fight and then North knocks Pitch off his horse and onto the ground below.

The children were in awe at all that was happening around them. But Pitch wasn't through with us yet. It's over Pitch there's no where to hide. But then Pitch disappeared and came back up to try and fight Jack. Look out! Bunny called to him.

But his wasn't the only voice. The other was mine. We both told him to look out as I pushed him out of the way. And I faded into the shadows so that I wouldn't get hurt. And then it was just long enough of struggle that Sandman came back.

Whips were tied around his wrists. When he pulls Pitch up he punches him in air and tips his bowler hat at the children. And then Pitch comes crashing back down. We were all so happy to see him. Sandy is lifted up into the hair.

Hey Mate aren't you a sight for sore eyes Bunny tells him. His beautiful dream sand spreads out into different shapes and the mini tooth fairies press on all the tooth containers. As we look around everyone was having fun. And there were dream creatures everywhere.

Cupcake once again turning a nightmare into a unicorn. And we saw fish and dinosaurs and dolphins. Jamie was about to reach up and touch one but Jack throws a snowball at him instead. And soon we're all having a snowball fight.

And then North approaches Jack and I. This is your center? He asks Jack. And it's good to see you in any part of your natural form. He tells me. My ears droop but I try to make myself stay happy this is a good moment not a sad one.

It took a while but I figured it out. He wraps an arm around me. I couldn't had done it without your help he tells me. Then he tosses Jack his own little wooden baby. And Farrah? Do you know yours? I'm not sure if seeing the good in everyone is a center.

But what about my belief in everything? Protecting the belief in children to help them believe in things like us. Or seeing that there is more than just good and bad that there is also grey and that not everything is always black and white. To help children be open minded?

Does any of that sound like a center to you? Or not being afraid to show who you really are. Because everyone is different and that's a good thing. Children should have the courage to be themselves. He handed me my own. It had a halo above its head.

Belief could be your center and being opened minded could be a layer and also courage to be ones self. That could be a layer. Kind/caring or how about understanding? He asked me. Those are all layers. Creative is another. Loving might go with kind/caring.

We need more people like you. Seeing the good in everyone. Helping kids see that there is more than just good or bad black and white. We need help sometimes seeing that too. But I believe belief is your center. You are also a lover of animals.

But I would expect that given that you are parts of 3 different ones and can shapeshift. You look for someone's inner beauty. To you it matters what's on the inside. Not on the surface. We could learn a thing or two from you about that.

But as he said that I knew he wouldn't reap what he sewed. As Pitch got up upset that we were having fun in his presence and then Jamie ran through him. And he ran into the forest running into North. Leaving so soon? They asked him.

You didn't even say goodbye. Tooth flicked him a quarter. And then punched him in the face as a tooth fell out. That's for my fairies. I was watching the whole thing wondering if I should be happy or sad. I knew my father wouldn't take his own advice.

I didn't know if they knew I was Pitch's daughter. You can't get rid of me there will always be fear. So what? As long as there is one person who believes. He wraps an arm around me. As my ears droop again. We will be there to fight fear.

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