A long time ago longer now than it seems

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He sure does Jack told his sister. Although Jamie was still very confused by this because in an earlier story that Jack had told Jamie some time ago about 4 years ago now that he told Jamie his sister died a long time ago but now she was here.

How could that had been possible unless of course she was some kind of ghost? We thought it was very funny and decided we should probably start from the beginning or for those who have ever seen "Lion king 1 1\2" "Before the beginning"

And in order to do that we had to have Sophie with us. Once we got her to believe in Mary we began with the first time Pitch got defeated. Well at least when he became mortal. I told them as much as I knew of what had happened.

How when Pitch became human he met mine and my siblings mother Fiona Blackwell. And he became known as Philp. I told them about how our mother Fiona believed in Pitch Black and thought he had been misunderstood and saw the good in him.

Dad was surprised someone believed in him and felt that way toward him. They fell in love and along the way they had me. My parents and Jack and Mary's parents were very good friends. I was born different. For two reasons.

I had one blue and one green eye for starters. For another I was born with bunny ears fur on my limbs paws like fox tail like a wolf whiskers but the moon or whispers that was probably the moon gifted my family a sprayable potion called false mist.

When I wore it unless it was a full moon the spray would hide anything not normal about me except my different colored eyes. But if it was a full moon I was held down in chains on my bed no reflective surfaces were allowed in my sight and I had to be out of sight of the moon.

The spray didn't work on full moons. It still doesn't but now I can control it. And I don't have to be chained up like I had been again every full moon the last 300 years. Or at least locked away in my room where I couldn't hurt anyone.

As a human I called myself a vegetarian but most of what I am are meat eaters but I really don't like meat. It was confusing to Jack before he knew my secret why I was like that. I was faster than him and stronger than him and always wanted to hunt.

The spray only lasted for so long. And it didn't work if I got wet either. What do you mean before he knew your secret? Jack and Mary didn't know my secret for a long time. And I was scared of what would happen or what they would feel if they knew.

I also somehow went under the radar by the guardians they never knew I existed. But they knew my story and how I died. Jack and I were best friends Mary actually found out first because there was one day where the effects were waring off and I didn't have my bottle of stuff with me.

One night Jack came over and I was asleep all my senses are heighted I had known he was there but I hadn't known he knew my secret. I think that same day was when Mary found out cause she pointed things out to me that weren't supposed to be there.

She promised to keep my secret. And then Jack kept it a secret from me that he knew my secret until the next time they came over and he tried to lure me out from the shadows. Considering my siblings can transform into things as well we think that I was some kind of foreshadowing of them and the nightmares.

One day after they knew my secret Mary had been begging for Jack to take him ice skating and he'd told his mom we'd be careful but we weren't careful enough because the ice was thin and we hadn't checked it.

Jack didn't like to see us looking so sad and so scared so we made a game out of our dangerous situation. Said we were gonna have a little fun instead. Just like he told you when you told him you were scared when Pitch came and snuffed out the lights.

Jack had recalled what his sister said and how he said the same thing to her what he'd said to you before turning the trash can lids into sleds for the guardians to go get your friends before Sandy came back. We played hopscotch. He switched places with Mary.

She was safe. Neither of us could swim but he hoped if I got wet and transformed my instincts would kick in and I'd be safe he said he'd rather have something bad happen to him than to us and that made me so sad. Jack fell in I went back in to save him.

But he pushed me out of the water and Mary helped me out I told her he'd be ok. I'm sorry Mary that I couldn't keep that promise. I said with tears in my eyes. What happened? Jamie asked. She got onto my back and we road through the village.

People came out of their home and saw me and they thought that I kidnapped Mary. They already thought I was strange and didn't like me because I had two different colored eyes but they thought I was a monster because I look the way I did.

They took her away from me and handed her to her parents. I had a rope around my neck equivalent to that of an animal control rope and my parents were shot down dead. They then put me up on a stake like they did with witches.

They beat me and whipped me and once they thought I was dead they burned me with fire to put me out of my misery. Jack was dead he'd drowned. I was dead because I'd been seen like a monster just like my father.

Jack's family and my mother were the only ones that ever saw good in me in us. I couldn't help him he saved us and I couldn't help him and then we didn't even remember each other. My parents remembered each other and they had my brother and sisters.

But the moon told them that they would forget someone important. Which was me. The moon was big beautiful and bright and full I could fully transform now. Bunny came took me to the North Pole like MIM asked. MIM wanted North to be my dad.

And for 300 years I was. But I always knew a piece of me was missing that there was something or someone important that I was forgetting. Why Jack and Mary and Pitch looked familiar to me when I saw them. Why Pitch was never mean to me.

Why I wasn't afraid of him when he captured me. But if you were both dead how did Mary die? Jamie asked as Jack and I turned to each other and back him then Mary picked back up where I left off. After they were gone and it was too late to help Jack they soon heard about the incident.

Our parents listened to me once everyone found out what had happened they kept their children inside where it was safe. I didn't have Farrah or Jack around to make me happy or make smile I stopped eating and sleeping and I grew ill.

I passed away that spring before my 9th birthday. But it's ok now because the moon brought us all back to life but we were alone for so long why did he wait so long Jack? Mary asked him. But Jack didn't have an answer it was a question he'd been asking for a very long time.

But Jamie still thought that meant we were ghosts. And wanted to know how old we all were. That would put Jack and I at about 315 316 from when we would've died and Mary at 308 since she died before she turned 9.

But then Jack teased Jamie by asking him if he'd told him what his full name was or actually still would be but when Jamie said no he hadn't told him and Mary and I knew he would drag this out for a long time she said either he would do it or she would.

Especially after we heard him use the words "make me" and that's when Onyx and I had wolfish grins on our faces. And he panicked when he noticed the grins our faces and the fact that Mary said she was going to but since we knew him better than that she said it anyways.

We know you better than that Jackson Edward Overland Burgess and you would not have. She sassed back to him hands on her hips. While the two of them bickered like the siblings they were. Until Sophie spoke up. Burgess? I live in Burgess.

She was born this wayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin