It was not your fault

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It was then that after all of this North spoke up. I didn't like where this was going considering what we just watched. See he was upset that he both made and gave us those skates. Jack's light was the strongest on the globe how did I not notice it go out?

He asked himself. While you were not on our radar Farrah there was always a little glitch on the globe around that time period. This little flight would flicker where Jack grew up but it wasn't him.

I was never sure who it was but it wouldn't light up yellowish white like the other lights it was a black grey color. It always confused me. But I knew which one was Jack's. And IDK how I couldn't had noticed when it went out.

I watched as Jack sent a frown toward him. He of course also blamed himself. He told North it wasn't his fault. My ears turned downward as I heard the sadness in their voices. A sound I didn't like hearing.

And what's worse was that I was in my normal form so they were my rabbit ears. So I could hear literally everything. Every tone every word every pitch of their voices. And I'm an empath. So they twitched down and I was sad as well.

North had been my father the last 300 years. And Jack was my boyfriend this was a very sad sight to see and to hear. I couldn't stand it. I kept wondering what would've happened had everyone known the truth.

I figure me and my parents probably would've died sooner. And we would've had even less help for Jack and Mary. Not that I was any help originally anyways but had we gotten to him faster and people knew about me and weren't afraid of me maybe we could've saved him.

But also we wouldn't be who we were today. I mean all this really did was cut our lives into half even more. We were what already 15 16 years old? A full life in the 1700s was probably only 30 something. Or something like that.

No Jack corrected. It was my fault. I didn't check the ice that day. Farrah warned me and kept warning me she didn't think it was safe. I blew her off she was always like this. Over cautious over safe always running away from whatever.

Mostly me when I didn't know her secret. Always afraid. I was the exact opposite. I was almost never afraid of anything to a fault. Never played anything safe life was too short for safe. I thought it would be fine. I didn't check the ice that day.

I should've known better I left her alone I left you both alone. No I shake my head it wasn't a person's fault it was fate it was the universe it was "HIS" fault. What are you talking about? Jack turned back to me. MIM/ the universe made me this way.

Everyone was afraid of me. They all thought I was some kind of monster and they already looked at me funny because I had two different colored eyes. If I was born normal me and my parents wouldn't had had to be so careful about my appearance.

We would've only been very careful about me having to fly under the radar of the guardians so that they wouldn't take me from my dad. If you had fallen in and I took your sister to go get help they would've helped us and we could've gotten you out.

While we both would've lived longer because no one would've judged me so hard for being a monster for being different we only would've lived till like whatever the highest age was in the early 1700s. It wouldn't had mattered it still would've been too late.

Neither of us could swim still. And by the time you would've come back it still would've been too late I still drowned. But even so Tooth came to us. Your sister would've had Farrah and she still had a family that loved her. How did she become a spirit?

I let Jack take it from there. She didn't eat or sleep when we were gone. She staved herself and got sick. It's all my fault. He kept saying. We all were blaming ourselves for something we couldn't control. I heard it as we talked about it but that's what people do.

She was born this wayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن