He always suspected

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That's what happens when your best friends with someone, they're either so observant that they are suspicious about strange things that go on in your life, and the strange things that you do and say, wondering why you do the things you do. Making up strange excuses during specific times of the day. Or because they're so observant, and they know your quarks and things that they don't even care, that its just a part of their everyday lives.

Well.... Jack isn't stupid, and he's most definitely very observant of me. Every day since the day I was born I've been like this, Jack is very fast, he loves his little games. Every time we try to race, I always win, but its in my blood, or maybe my DNA, but not in my family.

I'm told spray the magic False Mist stuff on me all the time like the bottle says. I can't exactly do anything about my different colored eyes. But the mist makes those other things look like I'm full human. However just because it an alter my appearance, it doesn't alter my abilities and skills and when I let him win "contests" on purpose he knows that I did.

Whether its racing, or gymnastics, his favorite is hanging off the side of trees, hanging upside down, and sticking the landing when he's done. Jumping around scaring away the other children in the village, or participating in telling scary stories, which isn't good for me, since I scare so easily, and they give me bad dreams.

There for myself and the nightmare king are very good friends, but I wish we weren't. And whether it was Jack's intention or not, which is wasn't because he's my best friend, and boyfriend, and he wouldn't do that to me on purpose, but he likes to "scare me." He thinks its funny when I get scared, or freak out. He'd like to wrap me in his arms to hold me and tell me it was only a story, that it's not real, but that would be easier said then done.

Since during the night is when I don't usually use the spray, unless I know I'll have company over, then I spray it, and it lasts all night, and hide it away before he comes over, and then his sister was born. She'd know my secret longer than he did. But it was an accident. I was watching Mary while Jack was working, I'd brought my spray over and stuck it in my pocket.

I'd sprayed it around lunch time, but I was running out the spray stuff, when I ran out, in the morning there's always another full bottle of stuff on my bedside. Just like it had been when I was born. My parents loved me for the way I was and accepted it as did his parents, and Jack and Mary, but I didn't have many friends aside from those two.

Jack was a bad influence always getting me into trouble, even when I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but to fit into Jack's plans, and they thought I was a freak because of my odd colored eyes. Because of my differences my parents thought I was some kind of miracle baby.

Like I said I was watching Mary, Jack was doing his chores after being playfully scolded do them before playing with Mary and I. I was playing with Mary when my fingers began to grow longer. Your fingers look kind of like claws, she had pointed out. They what? I questioned. Yeah, and your arms and legs are growing longer, and are you sitting on something? Am I what? I looked behind me to see something appear below me. Your ears also look like they're gonna disappear.

She reached over and pet the furry thing coming out from under me. I twitched. I had to keep myself from wanting to purr or make whatever happy noise would come from that. Well, maybe not a purr I'm not part cat. Unless I can also transform or something? No, not even that is possible. (Not yet) I guess maybe lick her face like a dog, I mean I am part wolf.

Or whatever happy noise a fox or bunny would make. Your arms and legs have red fur all you. And your ears look fluffy. You have a tail kind of like a doggy. She went to scratch behind my ears. Oh yeah that feels good. Wait.... No, I jumped back. I'll go uh make some lunch for us to eat. You can't tell anyone what you think you saw, you didn't see anything. Please just pretend you didn't see anything.

I promise. Mary please I.... Wait what? I told you I'll keep your secret. Why? Because you're like a big sister to me. Does your real family come first? Eh.... When you and Jack are 18 you'll get married or whatever. And dad says in a couple of years he says they want to make a statue of our family. Maybe you can be in it.

I'll be right back. I go into the kitchen, and go out to the garden, and do some gardening. Her mother lets me. She basically lets me do whatever I want, everyone does. She says I'm a good influence on her son. An angel and a devil. She'd laugh. His parents knew about my abilities, our parents of course had all been friends, and they remember when I was born.

That Elizabeth was in the room with my parents, but her husband was with Jack, he was at that time only 6 months old. I sprayed myself with the spray and they went away. I made us some lunch. And sat her at the table. So, what's the story she asked me. Mary? Yeah? Quick question.... When does Jack come back? Missing your boyfriend already? She giggled teasing me.

I don't want anyone to know. He's gonna find out. He already suspects that something strange goes on with you, that there's something strange about you. Yeah, maybe probably because of my oddly colored eyes. No way, your different colored eyes are really cool, and really pretty. Thank you. So, what's the story? Some kind of magic spell or some kind curse or something?

I was born this way. I'm really fast, and sly, and sneaky, and mysterious, and jump really high, and in addition to that, I have paws like a fox, a tail like wolf, and bunny ears. And in order to look human I have this spray called False Mist. But all magic comes with a price, it only lasts X amount of time I spray it at the beginning of the day, then again around lunch and then again after my bath. Right before bed, and repeat, and when its empty it reappears full the next morning.

I wouldn't be surprised if I could talk to animals too. Cool. What's cool? I hear a voice call. I jump a good couple of feet, Mary laughs. Man, sorry girl, didn't mean to scare you wow you jumped a pretty good amount of feet. Higher than a human should. Because its almost out.... Hey, you wanna stay for dinner. Um.... sure in a little bit though. What are we having?

Things from the garden, like carrots and corn, and mostly salad like things. My nose scrunches. But most of our dishes have carrots in it. Maybe some squirrel, or raccoon, and I'm sure I could catch a couple of rats, or mice or something. He says with a sly smirk. My mouth waters. Make up your mind, aren't you supposed to be a vegetarian? He asks lifting an eyebrow.

What are you doing? I ask him. Your nails look like claws. He points out. Again? I question. He lifts an eyebrow at me again. I spray the stuff again. T: Oh no its almost out. You look worried, your eyes look very wide open, and scared. And almost like they'd turned into cat slits, like night vision that animals have. Jack you sure have some kind of imagination. There's nothing abnormal about me, nothing except my eyes.

I spray it all over me. Ok, I should be fine now. On sec thought, I say looking up at the moon, I gotta go. The full moon sparkles in my eyes. As it rises up into the sky. It doesn't matter how much I spray or how much is left in that bottle that if there's a full moon out then that's not good.

I gotta go home. Good night. I say kissing his cheek, and hugging Mary. Hmm.... He questions as I let go of her. He looks into my eyes. Your eyes just shimmered. He points out, I twitch. Everything ok? He asks. Fine. I take a sniff, mmh you smell so good. Gotta go love you. As I leave, I can feel my ears shrink. That's what happens when your best friends with someone, they're either so observant that they are suspicious about strange things that go on in your life, and the strange things that you do and say, wondering why you do the things you do. Making up strange excuses during specific times of the day. Or because they're so observant, and they know your quarks and things that they don't even care, that its just a part of their everyday lives.

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