Guitar of Rock

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Benson are at the door of Mr. Maellard's house. Benson knocks on the door. "Hello, Mr. Maellard! Huh, looks like he's not home. Help me bring these boxes inside, but don't touch anything or you're both fired." Benson said. "Ok, ok." Mordecai said. Benson pushes the doors open and enters Mr Maellard's house with (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby following from behind. "Man, what's in these boxes, rocks?" (Y/n) asked as carries one. "Yeah, this stuff is heavy." Rigby said.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure its incredibly expensive, so be careful." Benson said. Rigby places the box on the floor and wipes off sweat from his head. "Phew! I wonder where the pool is?" He asked. (Y/n), Rigby and Mordecai push a door open and enter a room with a lot of prized artifacts and other interesting objects. "Wooahhhhh..." the trio said. In front of Mordecai and Rigby is a giant flat screen T.V. with an image of a dollar sign zooming up and down the screen. "That's the flattest flat screen I've ever seen." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) giggles. "Well he is rich Mordo, what did you except?" She asked playfully, and he playfully rolls his eyes.

Rigby pushes a button on the wall and the flat screen drops downwards, revealing a large aquarium containing an octopus, a whale and three other fish. "Hey Rigby, what do you call a fish with no eyes?" (Y/n) asked, and he turns to her. "A fsh!" She joked, and Rigby snickers. "Gee, great joke, (Y/n)." He said sarcastically, "Arrgh!" Benson yells at Rigby for touching the stuff. "Quit snooping around you two! Get upstairs and put those boxes away so we can leave before you two destroy the place." Benson said.

"Fine, fine." (Y/n) said. Some classical music starts playing as Rigby puts a box down and leaves the room, and soon Mordecai leaves the room as well. Benson is left to pick up Rigby's box. Then through the open doors of another room (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Benson walk past the room carrying boxes.

However, Benson takes a few steps backwards, and looks into the room he had just walked past. There are several collectors items in there, such as a pharaoh's head, a sports car, an old classic car, a tyrannosaurus rex bone model and a bronze statue. "Woah." Benson walks towards a glass cabinet holding a white guitar. "Is that a signed Bruce rock guitar?" He looks at his reflection in the glass cabinet, and has a flashback. As a teenager he is being held up by a crowd that is cheering at a Bruce Rock concert that he had went to when he was younger.

"Are you ready to get rocked?!" Then Benson stands up in what looks like a black mustang, with his friend driving. They appear to be following the Bruce Rock tour Bus. It then shows a map of America where Bruce Rock went to different concerts. Then Bruce Rock is shown performing, and Benson is in the audience smiling, until he views his own reflection again and comes back to reality. He pauses and thinks for a second before opening the glass cabinet and taking out the signed Bruce Rock guitar. He puts the shoulder strap over his shoulder and strums the guitar.

"Hahahahahahahah!" He looks around to make sure no one is watching him. "Yeahhhh!" He strums the guitar like he is a rock star. "Wooohoooo! Are you ready to get rocked?!" Benson gets so excited, he jumps into the air with glee. However, when he does this, he accidentally ends up breaking the guitar by smashing the top part of it against the bronze statue. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby then enter the room. "Benson, we're finished, we can-" Rigby began. "Woah!" Benson is standing there with the broken Bruce Rock guitar, with a shocked look on his face. "What the hey hey Benson, what happened to not touching anything?" (Y/n) scolded.

"I... I don't know! I got carried away. This guitar is worth more than my life! Maellard is going to fire me for sure if he doesn't kill me first!" Benson said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Benson. Maybe we can fix this." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, it might not be so bad. Maybe we can find some glue and..." Mordecai said. Benson lets out a loud cry. "Arghhhaarrghhh! I'm ruined! There's no way I can..." Benson looks up in realization. "Wait! You three! You can help me." Benson said. "Uh, we can?" Rigby asked. "You guys are always wrecking stuff and getting away with it; you're practically experts!"

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