Fuzzy Dice

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The gang are all in Benson's office. The trio walk in when all the other groundskeepers are sitting down. "Ugh, finally! Could you close the door, please?" Benson asked. "Yeah, close the door!" Rigby said, and Mordecai pushes Rigby. "Just sit down!" He closes door and goes to sit down as Benson begins to speak. "As you guys may or may not know, it's Pops' birthday tomorrow."

Benson flips a page on an easel to reveal the words "Pops' Birthday. "I was planning on getting him something nice from the arts and crafts fair last Saturday, but, nothing really stood out. Has anybody gotten him anything yet?" He asked. "No." Muscle Man said bluntly. "Why am I not surprised?" Benson pulls a cap off of the marker. "Ideas? Anybody?" He asked. "How about one of them Jeff Forgeman grills?" Muscle Man asked.

"That's actually not a bad idea, but Pops has been watching his cholesterol. Doctor's orders. What else?" Benson asked. "How about we get him some new gardening tools?" Skips asked. "Well, maybe. It's just, he gets new gardening tools all the time." Benson said. "What about some horseback riding lessons?" Mordecai asked. "Please tell me you're joking." Benson said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Well, no. Isn't he into that?" Mordecai asked. "Don't you remember? That's the exact same gift we got him last year." Benson said. "Psht." Rigby scoffs. "Don't "Psht" me.

I don't hear you coming up with anything." Mordecai said. "Yeah, but at least I didn't say the same thing that we got him last year." Rigby said. "Hello? May I please enter?" Pops said, from outside, knocking on the door. "Oh no, it's Pops! Quick, act natural!" (Y/n) said. "Just a second!" Benson flips the page on the easel back onto the blank sheet. "Okay. You can come in now." He said. Pops opens the door. "Ooh! What's everybody doing in here?" He asked. "Oh, hey Pops. We were just, uh...

going over the schedule." Benson said. "No! We were talking about how no one knows what to get you for your birthday." Muscle Man said. "Oh!" Pops said. "Dude, come on! What the heck! I said, "act natural" not "spoil everything" (Y/n) said, face palming. "I'm just saying what's on my mind, bro. I'm just real like that." Muscle Man said. "Ugh!" (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "You want to know what to get me for my birthday? Well, that's quite simple." Pops said.

"Really? What is it, Pops?" (Y/n) asked. "A pair of fuzzy dice from the Fun Fun Zone." Pops said. "Fuzzy dice?" Rigby echoed. "Yes! They're so much fun! But alas, the only way to get them is to win a million tickets. I'm afraid I'm not very good at throwing Skeeze Ballz" He walks away. "Well, fuzzy dice it is." Benson said. (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "What? Are you serious? How are we supposed to win a million tickets?! That's insane! No one can win that many!" She said.

"Yeah, plus, I'm not going to the Fun Fun Zone." Rigby said. "Yeah, me neither. I can't stand that place. All those nasty kids..." Mordecai said. "Yeah, and talk about sub-standard pizza." Muscle Man said. "And what about that annoying animatronic band?" (Y/n) asked, and everyone agrees with her. "Alright, alright. Look, I don't like the Fun Fun Zone any more than you do. But if Pops wants those fuzzy dice, then we're gonna get him those fuzzy dice!" Benson said. The gang go to The Fun Fun Zone, accompanied by a sound of an explosion. On the inside, the groundskeepers, minus Pops, enter, and look at all the bad stuff about it: the animatronic band,

"Dance Like a Loser 3," the pizza, the kids laughing, two kids slapping a third kid with pizza while atop a car statue, and two kids passed out on top of an ice cream stand, and (Y/n) cringes. "Let's get this over with." Benson said. The groundskeepers attempt to walk on in, but are stopped by a female employee. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?" She asked. "We're just here to get some fuzzy dice." Mordecai said.

"I'm sorry, but you must accompany at least one child to enter." The employee said. "Aw, come on! We'll just buy the dice and leave." (Y/n) said. "Oh, I can't bend the rules for you, sir. Because it just wouldn't be a "Fun Fun Zone" without fun fun rules." The employee said. The groundskeepers walk out. "Man, how are we supposed to get this stupid dice now?" Muscle Man asked. "We could kidnap a child and force them to go with us." (Y/n) said, and everyone glares at her. "Kidding." She said sheepishly. "I think I have an idea." Skips said. The group go back in The Fun Fun Zone, with Rigby hidden, the groundskeepers try to get in again, but the employee tries to stop them.

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