Limousine Lunchtime

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Everyone is outside the park house with Mr. Maellard's limousine. "Alright, Mr. Maellard gets back from vacation today, so I need you guys to clean the limousine." Benson said. "Why don't we just wait 'till it rains? That's how I clean myself." Rigby said, and Benson gives a brief glare at Rigby. "I want it looking as good as new when he comes in this afternoon. That means washed, waxed, and detailed. Got it?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah, we got it." Rigby said. "So, where are the keys?" (Y/n) asked.

Benson has the keys in his hand. "Oh, you mean these keys?" He asked. "Yeah, what other keys would I be talking about?" (Y/n) asked, and her friends snickered while Benson glares at her. "I have no time for your sass, (Y/n). I'll be holding onto these." Benson said sternly. "Aw, what?! How are we gonna listen to the radio then?" Rigby asked. "Your job isn't listening the radio. It's to clean the car!" Benson turns red. "DO IT BEFORE MR. MAELLARD GETS BACK OR YOU'RE FIRED!!" Benson walks away. "Classic Benson." (Y/n) said. "Great—No radio. This is gonna be so boring!" Rigby opens a limo door, and club music begins playing.

They see the inside of Maellard's limo with couches, a polar bear mat, a refrigerator, plasma TV screens, a sink, a telephone, and a back seat. "Whooooa!" The trio said. "Dudes, you know what's not boring? Limousine Lunch Time'!" Mordecai said. "What?! Okay no offense dude, but that sounds like a terrible idea." (Y/n) said. "Aw what? Come on, (Y/n), it'll be fun." Mordecai said. "Yeah (Y/n), since when were you the party popper?" Rigby asked, and Mordecai punches him for that. "Ow!"

Rigby glares at him. "I'm not! I love most of the things you guys do, they're great, but eating in our boss bosses' car is a recipe for disaster!" (Y/n) said, and Rigby scoffs. "No it isn't, come on (Y/n), it'll be fun." Rigby said. "Yeah (Y/n), please?" Mordecai asked. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." (Y/n) said. Mordecai takes out a bag, and the trio go inside the limo. Mordecai takes out two meatball subs from the bag. "Meatball suuub!" Rigby said. Rigby chews on his meatball sub, and one of the meatballs falls out of his sub in slow motion. "Aaaaah!" Rigby shouted.

"Noooooooo!" Mordecai shouted. "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) tries catching the meatball, but it falls onto the seat before she can get to it and splatters. "Rigby!" Mordecai shouted. "Ugh! See?! I knew it! I knew eating in the car was a bad idea, but no! Let's all ignore (Y/n) and do it anyway! Because that went really well!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "Whoa! (Y/n), chill! It's just one meatball. Oh!" Rigby grabs the meatball that fell, but it slips out of his hand in slow motion and hits Mordecai in his eye. "Ugh! My eyeball!" He shouted. "Aw, sick!" (Y/n) said in disgust. "Whooooa!" Rigby said.

The duo's subs fall out of their hands and land onto the seat. Once the trio see the mess, they scream. Mordecai tries to wash the stain off. "Agh! It's still there!" He shouted. "Stop, stop! That's only making it worse!" (Y/n) scolded. "Don't worry, dude—I got it. This is my mom's special cleaning formula." Rigby pours soda and vinegar into the cleaning bucket. "Club soda, vinegar, and some elbow greeease!" Rigby starts washing out the stain, but it wouldn't come off.

"By the power of my mom, stain be gone!" He shouted. "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "Hmm, maybe that's why the house is never clean." Mordecai groans. "We're so fired!" He said. "Hey man, it could be worse." Rigby sees the meat sauce on his hand dripping onto the floor. "Huh?" He asked. "Rigby! Look what you did!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'm sorry! I didn't know I had it on me!" Rigby slips on the meat sauce and falls onto the floor. The meat sauce splattered all over the limo.

"Agh!" Rigby said. "Dude, stop moving!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby shouts indistinctly. "Rigby, stop it!" (Y/n) grunts and grabs Rigby and they both fell onto the ground, moaning. The limo is now splattered with meat sauce. "We got to get Skips." Mordecai said. Later Skips is examining the stain. "Huh. Yeah, this is pretty bad. Maellard loves this limo; almost more than he loves Pops." Skips said.

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