The Postcard

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4 years ago... at the City Cafe, Hi Five Ghost is ordering a coffee. "Can I get a half caff Americano please?" Fives asked. "Good choice. I mean, I'm no coffee expert, but I gotta say; I think this place has the best Dark Roast in town." A girl said sitting next to him and she takes a sip of coffee. "No arguments here. This is one of my favorite coffee spots." Fives said. "Yeah, I love stopping here and then going to the record shop down the street." The girl said. "I know the one!

The owner's super chill and they have a huge "Down-Tempo Electronica" section." Fives said. "Wait, you like "Down-Tempo Electronica"? Me too!" The girl said. "Wow! Cool!" Fives said. The girl offers to shake hands. "I'm Celia, by the way." Celia said. Fives shakes hands with Celia. "Hi Five Ghost." He said. "Um, do you maybe wanna head over there with me after a coffee?" Celia asked. " Yeah, sure." Fives said. The duo go to the City Record Shop. "Everyone says the Photon's Forming is Stereo Fighters' best album, but Tripdic Lullaby is my favorite." Celia said.

"Me too!" Fives said, and they both laugh. Later the duo are at the aquarium. "Whoa, this is so cool." Celia said. "Yeah, there's something about watching animals that makes me feel really peaceful." Fives said. "Yeah... me too." Celia said. Later they go to Wing Kingdom. "Whoa! This is like the worst thing I've ever tasted." Celia said. "Yeah! Me too!" Fives said. Later the duo are back to the Cafe. "Today was really fun! I never met anyone I had so much in common with." Fives said.

"Me too! I mean, me either." Celia said. Fives blushes. " you wanna hang out again sometime?" He asked. "Ye-ah!" Celia said, then she realizes something. "Oh, well, I'd really like to, but I'm leaving the country tomorrow. I'm going to be studying in Prague. I'd give you my number, but I don't have a cellphone." She said. "Hey, me too!" Fives said. They both sadden. Celia notices a stack of postcards,

and picks one up. "I have an idea. In four years, when I'm back in the states, I'll send this postcard to you. If we're both single, we'll meet up and pick up where we left off. How's that?" She asked. "That seems like the most logical way to stay in touch." Fives said. Celia gives the postcard to Fives. "Here, write your address." She said, and he does so. "I hope I see you in four years." Fives said. "Me too." They both hold hands.

~Present day~

Fives, along with (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and Thomas are at the Snack Bar. Benson comes over to them. "Mordecai! Rigby! Another issue of Fart Weekly Magazine came today, which I distinctly remember telling you not to get sent here. They're flooding the mailbox!" Benson shouted. "Relax, man. It's natural." Rigby said. "Rigby's right. It's not healthy to hold it in." Mordecai said. (Y/n) sighs. "You two are disgusting." She said, causing Thomas to snicker, and the duo glare at him for a moment and he clears his throat, trying to hide what he just did. Benson sighs.

"Just cancel it already!" He shouted. "Yo, is my tax return in there?" Muscle Man asked. "No, but Fives, this came for you." Benson said. Fives takes the busted card. "Now, all of you, stop eating donuts and get back to work!" Benson walks away. "Let's meet..." Fives said, reading the card, then suddenly gasps. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "It's the postcard from Celia!" Fives said. "Whoa!" Muscle Man said. "Who's Celia?" Mordecai asked. "Only the coolest girl I ever met!" Fives said. (Y/n)'s eyes widen, but then she smirks. "Ooh, sounds like Fives has got himself a little girlfriend!" She said teasingly in a playful manner, and Fives chuckles.

"Ha ha, you're hardly one to talk (Y/n), considering how much time you and Thomas have been spending together." Fives smirks. "OOOh!" Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) and Thomas blushed, and quickly avoid eye contact after that. "Shots fired." Mordecai said. "I... I don't know what you're talking about." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, dude, you're lying!" Thomas shouted, and Fives only smirked a bit more, before looking back at the postcard. "Four years ago we made a promise to meet when she was done with school in Prague, and now she's back!" Fives said.

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