Under the Hood

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The trio are are drinking coffee, and Benson asks them to paint over the graffiti on the wall of the park restrooms. "Alright, I need you guys to paint over the graffiti on the bathroom. Just make sure you cover all of it." Benson said. "Cover all of it?" Rigby asked. "Isn't that what he just said?" (Y/n) asked. "Yes, all of it. Get back to work." Benson walks away. "I wouldn't mind going back to sleep." Mordecai said. The trio are now painting over the graffiti. "I'd like to find whoever did this and just—ARRRGGH." Rigby said. "Same. They're probably sitting around somewhere just laughing at us." (Y/n) said.

"Do you know who else likes to clean up other peoples messes? My mom!" Muscle Man laughs. "Did you paint this graffiti, Muscle Man?" (Y/n) asked. "Pfft, me? I may be an artist when it comes to pranks, but I am no graffiti artist." He said. The trio notice orange stuff on Muscle Man's hands. "What is that?" Mordecai asked. "What is what?" Muscle Man asked. "The orange paint on your hands." (Y/n) said. "It isn't paint, fool, it's from the buffalo wings we just had for lunch." Muscle Man said.

"Yeah, right, it's all over you!" Rigby said. "Haven't you ever been to Wing Kingdom? They always hook you up with the sauce." Muscle Man said. "I think you did this." Rigby said. "You better watch who you're accusing, bro." Muscle Man said. "Show us your receipt then." (Y/n) said. "What? Show us your receipt!" Muscle Man said. "That's it!" Mordecai said. The trio run to Benson. "BENSON!" They shouted. "We know who did the graffiti!" Mordecai said. "What? Who?" Benson asked. They go back to Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost. "It's buffalo sauce, smell it!"

Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) gags. "I'm not going to smell your fingers, Muscle Man. Just tell me the truth and I'll take your word for it." Benson said. "But I am telling you the truth! Benson, I can't believe you're even listening to these clow-" A can of spraypaint falls out of his pocket. "Look, it's spray-paint!" Rigby said. "Chicken wings, huh?" Benson asked. "Uh... um... that's not mine!" Muscle Man said. "Yeah, right! It was in your pocket!" (Y/n) said. "But I didn't do the graffiti,

I was painting Hi Five Ghost's ride orange." Muscle Man said. "Really?" Fives asked. "Then why did you lie about the paint?" Benson asked. "Because it was supposed to be a surprise, until you guys ruined it!" Muscle Man shouted. "He's lying!" Rigby shouted. "No, I'm not!" Muscle Man shouted. "I'm sorry, Muscle Man. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn in your keys." Benson said. "What?" Muscle Man asked. "You heard me." Benson said. "Are you firing me, bro?!" Muscle Man asked. "Give me your keys." Benson said. "If he goes, I go, too." Fives said. "Okay, see ya." Benson said. "Aww..." Fives said. "That was really cool, bro. You want my keys, Benson? Fine!" He throws his keys on the ground at Benson's feet.

"But we were gonna quit this job anyways to follow our real dreams. And we're not coming back, no matter how much you beg! Come on, Fives." They storm off, and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel terrible. "I just want you guys to know that you did a good thing today. You knocked a guy out and got him fired. Good job." Benson walks away. "Oh no... what did we do?" (Y/n) asked. "I didn't think he was gonna fire him." Mordecai said. "Neither did I." Rigby said. The real vandal starts spray-painting on the wall. "What the-Hey! Stop!" (Y/n) shouted. The vandal runs off. (Y/n), Rigby and Mordecai chase him until he hops over a fence, getting away.

"That didn't look like Muscle Man..." Rigby said. "Because it wasn't!" (Y/n) shouted, then came to a sudden realization. "Oh no! We just got our friend fired for no reason!" She shouted. "Oh, man. What are we gonna do?" Rigby asked. "We have to get Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost their jobs back." Mordecai said. The trio go back to Benson's office. "Benson! It wasn't Muscle Man!" (Y/n) shouted. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "It was this hooded guy! We didn't see his face, but—" Rigby said.

"Alright, I get it. You feel bad for getting Muscle Man and Hi-Fives fired. It's okay, I feel bad too. Doing the right thing is never easy, but it's the responsible thing to do. Like Rigby. When you ratted out Mordecai for putting expired milk in the fridge in exchange for a video rental coupon. That was very responsible." Benson said, and Mordecai glares at him. "Benson, we're serious. He's innocent!" Mordecai said. "That's enough! We're down two men and I have a lot to do. So do you!" Benson said.

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