Blind Trust

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At the entrance of the park, Pops is teaching (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby how to make figures on a couple of plants. "First, you envision the shape you want to make in your mind. And then..." Pops cuts a leaf. ..."voilá!" He giggles. "Woah, that's pretty cool, Pops." (Y/n) said. "Yeeeaaah, I think I get it now." Just as the two are about to trim the leaves, Benson halts them. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just stop it, both of you." Benson takes Mordecai's trimmer.

"I don't trust you guys to do this, it's way too important." Benson cuts the leaves. "Hey, we could've gotten it!" Mordecai said. "Uhh, I doubt it." Pops looks at them with concern. "It's the first thing people see when they walk into the park. I don't want you guys mucking it up..." later, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are painting a shed with Pops peeking out the window, as Benson walks up to them.

"Back up, back up, back up. Let me show you how it's done. You have to be very precise when you're doing the trim." Pops looks worried. "You guys are gonna make a mess of it, there's no way I'm letting you do this. Later Rigby is holding a garbage bag above the bin, with Benson walking up to them once more, and taking the bag away from his hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, give me that! I can't trust you two with anything." In to the bushes, Pops is spying on the three with his binoculars, still carrying a worried look on his face. He shakes his head in disappointment. "You have to squeeze and release. Make sure the bag lands in the can." Benson said. Later Pops' flying car lands on a clear field in the forest, with the five exiting it. "Alright, Pops. What gives? What are we all doing up here?" Benson asked. "Yeah, what's wrong, Pops?" (Y/n) asked,

and Pops takes a deep breath. "I'll explain to you the deal. Benson, I'm afraid you have a serious trust problem with Mordecai and Rigby." Pops said. "And (Y/n) to an extent." Pops said. "What do you mean?" Benson asked. "Well, you gave (Y/n) the job to look after Mordecai and Rigby, right? But since you keep interfering with it you must not think she can do that." Pops said. "Are you serious? You brought us all the way out here for this?!" Benson sighs.

"Alright, fine. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, I trust you. There, I said it. Is that good, can we leave now? Because I have a lot to do today, I have to finish taking inventory and..." Benson said. "Okay, okay. If you trust them, then you should have no problem performing a trust fall." Pops said. Benson groans. "You've got to be kidding me..." Benson said. Mordecai and Rigby extend their arms. "Simply fall back into Mordecai and Rigby's arms and we'll get back in the car and go home right now." Pops said. Benson turns his back, arms crossed, all the while pausing to look at Mordecai and Rigby with their arms extended. He sighs, and starts sweating.

"Benson, come on! It's easy! I'll show you. TRUST FALL!" She shouted, 'accidentally' falling backwards and the duo quickly rush to catch her, and Benson rolls his eyes. "Well yeah, of course they'd catch you." Benson said, and (Y/n) sighs. "It was a valiant effort." Rigby said, putting a paw on her left shoulder. Benson then becomes angry. "Alright, fine! I can't do it! I don't trust them to catch me! Do you hear me?! I DON'T TRUST THEM!" The last line echoes, and Benson breathes heavily. Pops was covering his ears. "Well, that's what I thought. So here's what we're gonna do, you're gonna be blindfolded and led down the mountain by (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby through a series of trust-based obstacles." Pops said. "Please tell me you're joking..." Benson said. "Aww, sweet!

Benson's totally gonna trust us after this!" Rigby said. "Yeah he is." The two high-five each other. "If you say so." (Y/n) said. "No way, I'm not doing it. This is crazy." Pops walks up to Benson and blindfolds his eyes. "I can't trust my life in the hands of these two idiots! And the reason I can't trust (Y/n) is because these two have rubbed off on her too much!" Benson shouted angrily. "You say that like it's a bad thing." Rigby said. "It IS a bad thing!" Benson shouted angrily.

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