Chapter 27: Confront

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"You weirdo! You creep! You totally fucking asshole!"
Rohan holds his cousin by her arms as she tries to throw punches at the man finally revealed as her stalker. Riya screams on the op of her lungs as she kicks her the air in attempts of getting closer to Saksham.

The Singhania's are gathered in the courtyard as the police officers take the laughing stalker out.

"If police wasn't here, I would have chopped your tiny dick off and fed it to you."
Riya's mother's mouth flies open as she listens to her daughter. Right next to her, Xavier covers his daughter's ears whilst biting his lip to stop his laughter.

Shourya let the men take Sakhsham out of the house, wanting him out of his sight as soon as possible. Meera ushers the kids, who had woken up from the ruckus, back to bed. She wants to put the kids to sleep before a very frustrated and angry Shourya will come upstairs.

Raj, Riya's dad, tells everyone to head back to bed, wanting to get rid of the crowd before he gets a chance to comfort his daughter. He knows his little girl, he knows she will never show her vulnerable side in front of people. As soon as the rush of their family disappears before giving quick words of reassurance to Riya, Raj wraps his arms around his little girl.

Xavier looks over his shoulder when he hears a soft sniffle. His heart aches, battles with his ind before escaping is chest and rushes towards Riya. Xavier wants to follow, but follows his mind up the stairs leaving his heart behind.

Riya rushes up the stairs to her brother. It's been five days since her stalker had been found, five days since the moments she shared with Xavier five days since h=she showed her vulnerable side to him and five day since he spoke to her.

She's tried. She's tried so hard to get a chance to talk to him, but he won't. He just won't budge. The day after that day, Xavier had smiled at her before joining her older brother to the police station. But since he returned, he's hasn't looked her way. He didn't even open the door when she was standing outside his room and banging on the door.

Since that moment, she's decided not to give him the time of day. The tears she shed outside his door were the last of her he'd get. What she didn't know is that Xavier's mind is clouded with doubt, fear and insecurity. Sakhsham's words have been swirling in his mind and added to that are Shourya's words from the day they went to the police station.

"Now finally, I can focus on finding the perfect man for my baby sister. Someone who'll spoil her silly."

Those were Shourya's words. "Spoil her silly."
That's not something Xavier can do. Atleast not in his mind.

Those words are running through Xavier's mind as he's getting ready for the wedding. Muskaan and Aarav want to get married in Muskaan's home, where they spent their summer holidays as children. Xavier gently pushes the pin into Sophia's hair to set the sheeshphool in place as the little girl sticks her tongue out whilst putting her bright pink bangles on her wrists.

As soon as her daddy fesses a kiss on her head Sophia returns the kiss before rushing out.
"Meesha!! Vihaan!!"

She runs to Meera's room in search for her two besties, almost running into Riya. "Sorry!"
Riya laughs at the little girl as she rushes past her.
"Careful, baby!"

Turning around, Riya sees the door of Xavier's room open. And taking it as he handed she charges towards it. Xavier is fixing his cufflinks when Riya's voice hits is ears.
"Why did you leave?" Her voice is sharp, cutting through the stillness, "After everything we shared, you just disappeared."

The silence between them is thick with tension as she clenches her fists by her side. "Do you have any idea how I felt? One second you're making promises, holding me, and the next, you're gone."

Xavier looks at her, not knowing how to face her, "You weren't here when I came back either."
Anger rises in Riya, "Oh! Really? You expected me to stay here, naked, vulnerable, waiting for you o decide to come back?"

Xavier wraps his hand around the edge of the bed, "That's not what I meant-"
"And I tried to speak to you, over and over again, but you're just too busy avoiding me! What a dick move!"

Xavier thinks over his next words, he doesn't want to argue, but he knows they're never meant to be.
"We found your stalker, I no longer need to be around you as I'm no loner your bodyguard."

Frustration bubbles through Riya, her knuckles turn white as she glares at the man in front of her..
"After that night, you're really going to go back to the whole bodyguard bullshit?"

Xavier decides not to answer leaving Riya in more irritation.
"I hate you! More than the fact that I want you!"
She spits the words out at him as if she's never meant anything more than she's means these words.

Xavier feels his heart break with the words, as if each of her word serves as a punch to his heart. He wishes he could fix this, that he could wipe the tears away from her pretty eyes, but he knows they have no future. The would end up in flames, so why not burn them now. Now before the blaze turns more fierce and hard to put out.

"If you hate me so much, then why are you still here? Leave."
Xavier's word hit her like a truck. She had hoped for a bit more, but that's not what she got. So, before new tears spill past her eyes, she turns on her heels and runs out.

A sob leaving her lips as she rushes out. The heart-wrenching sob hitting Xavier as a final blow before he crumbles to the floor.



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