Chapter 4: Proposal

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Xavier and Sofia have been here in India for a few days now and Sofia is loving it so far. She even has a new favourite person who she is cuddling with right now as they watch Beauty and the Beast on the outdoor projector. Riya has a ritual of have a movie night with all the Singhania children. It was her way of letting the couples get some alone time. Her hopeless romantic heart dreams about the cute dates her brothers and sister-in-laws go on because of this little ritual.

And today they are watching Riya's favourite. She insisted Sofia should join them and that would give Xavier the night off too. Riya's heart flutters at the scene playing on the screen. It's her favourite, her heart and eyes light up every time she sees it.
"Woah bua! That's a lot of books."
She hums in agreement. One day my perfect prince will make me smile the way Belle is smiling here.

Her thoughts wander to one person, who reminds her of the Beast. An arrogant, grumpy man whose daughter is in her arms right now. Over the last few days she observed the two and found it astonishing that Sofia was Xavier's daughter. They're poles apart. Sofia moves closer and hugs her closer. "You're so cozy."

The little, sleepy mumble makes Riya smile as she presses a kiss on Sofia's head. Their little moment is interrupted by a phone call. Riya's picks her call up.
She waits a moment and when there isn't a reply.
When there isn't a response on the other end, she hangs up.

Ever since she started writing, she got lots of calls like this. But they've gotten worse recently. "I need to get a new phone number."
She looks over at all the kids and when she sees they've got their eyes glued to the screen she returns her focus back to the screen too. They are half was through the movie when she feels a tap on her shoulder. Looking up, she notices it's her brother.

Her eyes widen and she sits up straight, her eyes wander behind him and sees Meera. She whines at the sight. "You guys are supposed to be on a date!"

Meera giggles before making her towards Ayaansh and her twins. Shourya peeks to see Sofia asleep before sitting next to his sister. He can't help but laugh at the sight of the pout on his sister's face. "I wanted to spend time with my sister."
Riya huffs at him and crosses her arms. "I can see you're brewing something in your mind. Say it."

She knows her brother is not a hunt for the perfect man for her and that seems to be all that any of the men in her family can think of, except her twin. So she knows her Shourya is here to talk about just that. He looks down and rubs the back of his neck, discomfort clear on his face as he begins.

"Um, so I have a potential uh- suitor." Riya laughs at the word suitor.
"I haven't spoken to him yet, because I wanted to know what you think first."
Riya watches her brother fidget with his wedding ring and peeks over at his wife. Riya can sense the nervousness and she almost pinches his cheeks.

"Bhai! Just say it."
Shourya looks at her, reaches for her hand and holds it. His thumb caressing the back of her hand as he thinks out his next words.
"You're my sister. The last thing I want is for you to not find the perfect partner for you."
Riya places her other hand over his and sighs at her brother.

"And, I also don't want you to find someone who is not the right fit for you. We've kept you sheltered and safe all your life, and it would kill me if you end up with some piece of trash."
Shourya takes in a shaky breath before looking at his little sister. "I don't want you hurt."
Shourya's eyes glisten as he looks at his sister, it would break him to see his sister facing any kind of pain.

Riya can't help but wrap her arms around her brother, "oh, bhai!"
"So, I've found a guy and I want to know your opinion before I talk to him."
Riya holds her brother closer, she knows he's just looking out for her.

Shourya moves back, presses a kiss on her forehead. "I think Xavier is perfect for you."
It takes seven words for her heart to start beating like a mad man. Her brother is suggesting the man that has been consuming her thoughts. She isn't sure about what to say, but she trusts her brother more than anyone. Her mind wonders back to the Instagram posts of the woman in the wedding dress. "But, isn't he married? I saw it on his Instagram."

Shourya gives her a cheeky smile, "checked his social media?"
Hearing her whine, he ruffles her hair, "he's not married. That was probably his ex girlfriend, Nina. She got married recently."
Riya bites her lip and let the thought sit for a second.
"Bhai, I don't know what to say. But you know what's best for me. So I guess, whatever you think is right."
"Shourya, you've got to be kidding me."
Xavier looks at his best friend, stunned at the suggestion. Shourya has just suggested a proposal for Xavier and Riya. The suggestion was lighthearted and gentle. It's clear Shourya is trying to look out for his sister, and he found Xavier a good fit.
"Riya is a little girl, too immature for me. I'm not going to marry her."

"Watch your words, Xavier. Especially when you're in my home, talking about my sister."
Xavier looks away from the blazing fire in Shourya's eyes and sighs. "Shourya, I understand what you want and if I had a little sister, I'd be the same. But this is too abrupt and you're not thinking straight."

Shourya watches his friend, his sudden anger slowly settling as he lets the words sit. He still didn't like the way Xavier phrased his words, but he is right about the suggestion being abrupt.
"No you're right. I think I'm just being too protective. I just want what's best for her." Shourya sighs.
Xavier gazes at Shourya get up and turn to walk out, but stop at the door.

"She's not a little immature girl, so watch your tone when you talk about my sister. I hope that's clear."
Xavier has heard that harsh, sharp tone before. But for the first time, it's directed at him. Xavier had his thoughts about Riya, but it's clear Shourya doesn't appreciate them.
"Crystal clear."

And with those words, Shourya leaves Xavier filled with thoughts of his own.

There we go! Our update of the week! Gentle reminder that the book with be updated every Sunday, only if the reads on the book cross 1.2k. If they do not, you guys will have to wait for the Sunday after.

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