Chapter 17: Entice.

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Riya runs her fingers over the delicate embroidery on the chiffon fabric of the saree. It's beautiful, the beads twinkling under the light of the store. "This is so beautiful"
Her voice comes out as a soft whisper as her eyes are mesmerised by the garment. "I'd like to try this on please."
Their assistant guides Riya towards the room for her to try the saree on. A few moments later, Riya stands in front of the ornate mirror

Her reflection adorned in a mesmerizing pearl and sequin saree. The fabric cascades down her slender frame like liquid moonlight, shimmering with every movement. Each intricate detail seems to dance in harmony, casting a spell of elegance and grace. As she traces her fingertips along the delicate embroidery, Riya feels a sense of enchantment wash over her. The pearls glimmer like stars against the midnight sky, and the sequins sparkle like scattered moonbeams, creating a breathtaking spectacle of radiance.

Lost in the moment, Riya twirls slowly, the fabric swirling around her like a gentle breeze. The saree whispers secrets of timeless beauty and makes promises of unforgettable moments yet to come.

With a soft smile playing on her lips, Riya immediately knows that this saree was more than just fabric and embellishments; it's was a symbol of her own inner strength and beauty, a reminder of the magic that resides within her soul. And as she stands there, entranced by her reflection, Riya feels a sense of empowerment wash over her, ready to embrace her best friend get married to her brother.

Smiling she moves back into the change room to get out of the saree, as she does the zip on her back gets stuck. She peeps outside and doesn't find anyone who can help, so she drops Muskaan a text.

Muskaan eels at her phone and sees it's from Riya. She moves towards the change rooms but stops when her eyes and on Xavier. A cheeky grin makes its way onto her face and she walks over to him. She quickly masks her grin with a worried look.
"Oh my god! I thought she would be her, but..."

Her voice lands on Xavier's ears, causing him to look away from the kid's sharara set. "Who?"
Muskaan innocently bats her eyes at Xavier, "Riya. She went to try on the outfit like an hour ago and now I can't find her."
Xavier stares at Muskaan, as his mind begins to think of all the possibilities. "Where was she last?"

Muskaan bites her lip to hold back her grin, "the dressing room."
Xavier's eyes follow the direction Muskaan is pointing towards, "Okay, I'll go look there, you look near the front of the store. And where is Aarav?"

"He went outside to find her."
With a nod, Xavier controls te urge to run towards the dressing rooms. Muskaan gazes at his back as he walks away, excitement bubbles in her. Meanwhile, Xavier's heart races as he scans the crowded aisles of the store, his eyes darting from one end to the other in search of Riya. The faint scent of her perfume lingers in the air, teasing him with memories of their previous encounters.

"Riya?" he called out, his voice tinges with a hint of desperation. The bustling noise of shoppers fills the space around him, drowning out his plea. Frantic, Xavier quickens his pace, weaving through the throngs of people with increasing urgency. His palms grow clammy, and a knot forms in his stomach as he realises that Riya was nowhere to be found.

"Where could she be?" he mutters to himself, his mind racing with worry. He walks through the dressing room and just as panic threatens to consume him, a familiar voice called out from behind. "Xavier!"

He turn around to see Riya peeking past the curtain blocking his view of her. Relief washes over him like a tidal wave, and he can't help but feel a surge of gratitude at the sight of her.

"Riya!" he exclaims, his voice trembling with relief. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
Her brows furrow softly portraying her confusion. "Did you need something?"

Xavier shook his head, his nerves finally beginning to settle. "No, no, I just... I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Her frown turns into a mild and she reaches out to gently squeeze his hand. "I'm fine, Xavier. Thanks for looking out for me."

As they stood there, Xavier can't help but feel a sense of warmth spread through him. The feeling he can't seem to understand or justify, yet he can acknowledge that this current feeling is much nicer than the one he had just a few moments ago. Riya lets go of his hand and steps out revealing her bare back. "I had called Muskaan to come help me, why is she not here yet?"

No matter how hard Xavier tries, he can't take his eyes off the flawless, soft skin of Riya and the way her slender neck melts into her shoulders. She's a magnificent sight. "I can help you."
Xavier steps closer, "She's helping Aarav with something."

Riya's cheeks flushes at the unexpected offer of help, and she fights to maintain her composure. "Um, no, I'm good, thanks," she stammers, hoping her voice doesn't betray her nervousness.

Xavier steps forward, his eyes trying to stay on her face. "Are you sure? I don't mind lending a hand if you need it."
Riya's heart races as she struggles to find the right words. "I-I appreciate it, but really, I've got it under control," she manages, mentally scolding herself for the way her words stumbles over each other.

Xavier takes a step back. Riya bites her lip as she gazes at his hands.
"Uhm, actually.."
Xavier's eyes snap back to Riya. She takes in a deep breath before looking around. Her eyes look back at him before she reaches for his hand. They have a bet on and maybe this will help her win.

She pulls him towards her, moving the two of them into the room. With his free hand, Xavier closes the curtain, blocking the view of anyone who passes by. He might just lose his bet and that's that last thing on his mind right now.

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