Chapter 15: Care

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Xavier guides Riya to her car,  buckles her in before taking a seat beside her. The driver drives the car through the quiet streets, the engine humming a low melody. Riya stares out the window, trying to shake off the unease from the events of today. The city lights blur as they speed towards her residence.

The shrilling sound of her phone ringing breaks the silence in the car. The screen displaying an unknown number. Hesitant, Riya looks at Xavier, to see what he may say. His nods his head at her shifting closer to hear. She answers, her voice steady, "hello?"

A sinister voice echoes through the line, sending shivers down her spine. "I see you, Riya. You can't escape me."

Xavier's tightens his grip on his thigh, scanning their passing surroundings. Riya tries to remain composed, but fear flickering in her eyes. "Who is this?" she demands, her eyes scanning her surroundings as if she'll be able to see the stalker in front of her now.

The voice on the other end chuckles. "Your shadow, always there. Watch every move of yours."

Xavier quickly wraps his arm around Riya seeing her shiver, his focus on protecting her. "Stay close to me, Riya. We need to get you home safe." The darkness seems to close in on her as she huddles closer in his arms. His hand holding hers, gentle caresses to ease her, leaving the haunting words lingering in the air.

With the phone still pressed against her ears, she whispers, "What do you want?"

The stalker's voice sneers, "You. I'll always find you, Riya. No matter where you go." Xavier maintains a vigilant focus on the road, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Fear creeps into Riya's voice as she demands, "Why are you doing this?"

Laughter echoes through the phone, chilling the atmosphere. "You can't escape the inevitable. And the inevitable is me getting my hands on you. And keeping you with me forever."

Xavier tightens his grip around her small frame, determination etching on his face. "We're almost there, darling. Stay strong." As they approach her home, a mix of relief and apprehension filled the air, knowing that the unsettling presence lingering just beyond the phone line.

Riya looks over at Xavier as the laugh echoes through the phone being heard by the both of them, "Can I hold your hand tighter?"
Xavier's eyes take in the vulnerability in hers, her eyes give him a glimpse of the little girl in her that is usually covered by the demeanour of a strong woman. He can't help but nod his head at the girl, wanting to take the fear away.

His heart crumbles to pieces as he sees the lone tear drops down her cheek and her nails dig into his hand. He sees the scared girl who has been protected away from the cruelty of the world by her family, a girl who hasn't seen the harsh reality f the world she lives in, a girl who doesn't know the pains of most of the world out there.

He gently he phone from her hand and with one click the sinister, heart-wrenching laugh vanishes leaving behind silence. He lets her hand hold his as he looks out the window at the moon before he can grab her chin and kiss the tears away. Riya lip quivers s she sees Xavier turn away. The fear driving her life at moment makes her uncomfortable, she feels a sense as if her safety blanket has been ripped away from her and this is all new, she only now's security, she only knows safety, vulnerability is new to her.

And for the first time, apart from her father and brothers, the man she finds complete safety with doesn't want her. He doesn't crave her. He doesn't desire her. And that breaks her in a way she didn't know is possible.

The car stops outside the mansion, Xavier helps her out, careful of her dress. The car drives off leaving the two standing outside. Her mind contemplates the question she's been wanting to ask, a question she's been dying to know the answer to and in the moment of vulnerability she asks. "Why do you not want a relationship?"

Her hand still in his, he runs his thumb over the back of her hand. Sensing how hard it is for her to put her thoughts in words and not having the heart to disappoint her more than he has, he lets his heart tell her the truth.

"If I let you into my space, I let you into my daughter's space. And I can't do that until I know I'm definitely sure about you."
Riya nods at his words, he understands him she agrees with him. He has a point, and it's something she knows. Sofia is the centre of his world and he can't let anyone in without being a hundred percent certain.  Just as she's about to pull her hand out of his, he holds it tighter.

"Would you move to America with me?" Surprise flashes in her eyes as she snaps her gaze back up at him. The soft tone of his voice catches her off guard, she wasn't ready for the question. He raises her row at her, his grip tightening as if he could hold onto her forever in this moment.

Taking a deep breath she ponders on the thought of her in a cosy apartment waking up to Xavier and Sofia for the rest of her life. As tempting as it sounds, her life is here in Mumbai with her family. She loves this too much to let it go.
"That's not something I can do, even if it's for the one thing I've always wanted."

The whisper of her voices punctures through his heart causing him to loosen the hold he has on her hand.
"What is it that you've always wanted?"
She doesn't reply as they gaze into each other's eyes. She can't. How will she tell him that what she's always wanted is to be loved by a man. The way her father loves her mother. The at her brothers and cousin love their wives. The way the men in her books love the women I her books.

His blue eyes mixed with her brown ones would make the perfect decisions what a world should look like, clean, welcoming and filled with love. The blue of his makes the restless, powerful, dangerous ocean and the brown of hers makes the stable, warm, welcoming soil. They're a perfect fit. But just not meant to be.

Taking her silence as an answer, he takes a step away from her. "I think I'm going to go for a small walk."
She nods as she watches him turn around. Ripping her gaze away from his back, she turns and walks back into her safe haven she calls home. She leaves the conversation at the doorstep, not wanting to think about any of it as another set of tears rush down her face. All she wants is to is hide away from it all.

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