Chapter 19: Text

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Xavier watches as Riya squeals with joy and dances around the living room. Her backpack in her hand as it flings around with her. The women around her laugh at her excitement. After yesterday, in the dressing room, Xavier and Riya have been avoiding each other. Xavier's been avoiding her because he doesn't trust himself, and Riya's been avoiding him because it's a part of her game plan.

Meera's eyes find her husband who has their son in is arms as he helps Rohan put the luggage away. She smiles at him, reminiscing that moments of their wedding. A blush making its way onto her cheeks as she thinks about their rituals that they'll get to re-live through this wedding.

The clothes and jewellery for the event are going to be delivered to their haveli tomorrow and the rituals will start from the day after and everyone is excited for it all. Finally the couple had given into their families request for them to get married.
Muskaan is with her family, they're going to be travelling separately as Muskaan's mother wants time alone with her and make sure she's ready for the responsibilities that come with being a wife and daughter-in-law. Much to Aarav's disappointment, Muskaan had been more than happy to do that.

"Chalo, everything is ready. We don't want to miss our flight."

Riya takes her father's hand to hurry him up. she skips out of the door towards her car. Seeing this, Sofia giggles and grabs her own dad's hand and skips out with him behind her.
"Hurry daddy."

Xavier had called Nina about how he had sighted up to be Riya's bodyguard and how that meant their holiday is gong to be extended. Nina was okay with it since Sofia's school were able to send over her homework and she was able to o online classes to stay up to date. Plus, Meera was more than happy to ave Sofia study with the twins.

Xavier smiles at his little girl as she ushers him into the car. Riya looks to her left when the door to her car opens, finding Sofia climbing in, she smiles.
"Hi pretty girl!"
"Hey." The blush on the little girl's cheeks makes Riya want to give her cheeks a big kiss.

"Come on, I'll buckle you in."
Just as Riya says that, Xavier slides into the seat next to Sofia.
"NOOOOOO! I can do it!"

Riya smiles at the girl as she tugs on the seat belt and fumbles at the buckle.
Xavier goes to intervene and buckle it for her, but Riya's words stop him.
"Try it like this."

Sofia's eyes look at Riya's buckle as she buckles herself in. Sofia then fixes hers and it clicks into the buckle.
"Yay! See, I did it!"

Xavier smiles at the two girls as they squeal and celebrate the Sofia's achievement. "See papa, I did it!"
"Bien hecho. Well done, baby."

Xavier drops a kiss on her head before looking over at Riya who is already gazing at the two. A huge part of her wishes he reaches out for her and pulls her into their hug. But all she gets is a soft smile. She'll have to settle for just for now. Soon they find themselves at the airport waiting to board their jet.

Sofia and Meesha are sitting next to each other as they eat their burger and Vihaan cuddles into Aarav. The way Aarav gazes at the kids, Riya can tell how desperate he is for a baby of his own. Just as she throws her brother a smile, her phone notification goes off.
Dread fills her as she anticipates it to be rom her stalker.

Her eyes wander around the lounge of the airport, eyes searching for Xavier. When she inns him, she quickly gestures for him to come over. Seeing her distressed, he immediately walks over. The silent exchange not missed by Rohan. He finds it interesting how en in the presence of her brothers, her father and uncle, she seeks for her bodyguard.

A smile makes its way o his lips before he turns around and wraps his arm around his wife who in return tugs him down to press a kiss on his cheek. Rohan winks at his wife before taking their son from her arms.

Xavier sit beside Riya, "What happened?"
Riya gulps, "I got a text."
"What does it say?"

Riya huffs before looking away, what she's about to say is going to sound really stupid in her head.
"I haven't checked, I don't have the courage to."

Xavier wants to say something, to tease her, get a reaction. But he doesn't seeing her distressed.
"I'm right here. Take a look."
She pushes the phone in his direction, "no you."

He takes it from her hand and opens the notification. "It's an Instagram dm."
Riya peers over his shoulder to have a look as Xavier opens the dm request. It's a picture, which is blurred since it's her requests Along with it is a message that Riya read out loud.
"I showed you mine, can I see yours."

Xavier  reads the message, his anger boiling beneath the surface.
"What the hell...?" He mutters before beginning to type a response.

"Here." Riya takes her phone from his grasp and begins typing. As she does, Xavier read what she writes.
"I don't want you to feel insecure about yours after seeing the size of mine."

Xavier watches, astonished at how unaffected Riya is. How she casually ends her reply, puts her phone away and confuses to sip on her coke. Sensing eyes on her, she turns her gaze back on him.

"How are you so unaffected? This guys sent you a nude?"
Riya rolls her eyes, before settling Ito her seat further, "Welcome to the world of a woman who is a public figure. This, my love, is normal for women like us."

"But, this isn't normal!" His voice rising as he thinks about how common this must be for her. Common to a point that her response is almost robotic.
"Unfortunately, it is normal."

Her eyes find his and she holds him in place with her gaze.
"Being Riya Singhania isn't all rainbows and unicorns like most people assume. It comes with a lot of baggage."

He discreetly observing Riya through as she stands up and moves over to the kids to help them tidy up. He can see the weight of the world on her shoulders, even from a distance. Riya seems determined, her stride purposeful despite the invisible burdens she carries.

"She's so strong, yet so vulnerable at the same time. It's like she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders." He whispers to himself.

As Riya disappears into the bathroom with the girls, Xavier's gaze lingers on the empty space where she had been standing. He can't help but feel a pang of empathy for her, knowing the battles she faces every day, especially with online trolls.

Aarav drops on the seat that Riya had just been in, "It must be exhausting to be her, constantly subjected to the harsh judgment of strangers hiding behind their screens. But she handles it with such grace."

His words catch Xavier off guard, he can sense the underlying implication that Aarav is trying to get at. "She has that look on her face every time she sees something online. So I'm assuming it's some stupid online troll."
Xavier hums before shifting in his seat. A small part of him felt like he was just one of those trolls, coming in with a stupid assumption and then not letting it go.

Lost in his thoughts, Xavier takes a sip of his coffee, contemplating the resilience of the woman he has such strong opinions about. He knows that behind her confident facade lies a vulnerability that few people see, and he silently vows to always be there to support her, no matter what challenges come her way.


Okay guys, here is another update. But for more you guys need to how more support. That's all I'm going to say <3
I love you guys :)

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